10/6 Thursday Insider Purchase Report: FPF, SOR
Insiders sell stocks for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the only reason they use their hard-earned cash to buy stocks is money. Today we take a look at two of his notable recent insider purchases.
On Wednesday, First Trust Intermediate Duration Preferred Scott T. Fleming bought FPF at $123,627 and 7,500 shares at $16.48. First Trust Intermediate Duration Preferred is up about 0.2% on Thursday. Prior to this latest purchase, Fleming made another purchase in the last 12 months, at $18.05 per share he bought 135,375 shares.
And on Monday, Director Mark L. Lipson purchased $49,892 worth of Source Capital, buying 1,400 shares at $35.64 a share. Prior to this latest purchase, Lipson made another purchase in the past year, at $37.83 per share he bought $50,129 of the stock. Source Capital is about 1.3% off Thursday. Lipson is up about 2.4% at today’s trading session highs, with the SOR trading as high as $36.49 for him on Thursday.
Video: Insider Purchase Report for Thursday, October 6: FPF, SOR
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https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/thursday-10-6-insider-buying-report%3A-fpf-sor 10/6 Thursday Insider Purchase Report: FPF, SOR