Google announced Thursday that Android phones will immediately support the phone, a new Bluetooth technology that uses the phone to enable the connection directly from the audio broadcast in a non-cruited environment in an unusual environment. With auchacasts, AIDS and Earbuds are suitable can receive audio flow directly, such as the PA system at the train station or audio broadcast on the concert. Google record that listening to the prerequisite can be applied for the broadcast, the user means that the user can make the making of a leaving the stream. When launched, the feature is on Samsung Galaxy With Phone 7 and Google Pixel 9 you use Android 16 beta. These features can be used with compatible AIDS le audio compatible, including those of companies like gn and starkey hearing. Google also announced that Pixel devices can now connect to the QR code, who eliminates the need to sign in to the settings when trying to access general population. The latest Android 16 Beta also brings a new access feature that allows users with little vision to outline the text to be easier to read. It also includes a local network protection feature (LNP) to whom Google will give “the user controlling more than the application that can access your device on the local network.” Android 16 is expected to start some in June.
Android Added auracast support, which allowed AIDS Hearid connect to a generalized aid broadcast