Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Climate Movement – CBS News

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Climate Movement – CBS News

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At 75, an age when most people are retired, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still an action hero fighting bad guys on screen and advocating for a cleaner climate in real life. Correspondent Tracy Smith talks with the actor about his first TV series, FUBAR, on Netflix. And Schwarzenegger joined in his native Austria, the site of the world summit he helped launch to tackle climate pollution.

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Summarize this content to 100 words Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Climate Movement – CBS News

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At 75, an age when most people are retired, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still an action hero fighting bad guys on screen and advocating for a cleaner climate in real life. Correspondent Tracy Smith talks with the actor about his first TV series, FUBAR, on Netflix. And Schwarzenegger joined in his native Austria, the site of the world summit he helped launch to tackle climate pollution.

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