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Unknown diseases have appeared in DrC

Unknown diseases have appeared in DrC

Mysterious disease with symptoms like Ebola has emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic. According to the World Health Organization, the disease was first detected on January 21, and for five weeks ago and more than 50 people died in northwestern country. Health officials are still to determine the spread of disease.initial showing out the outdoors starting in Boloko Village, where three children die in eating bat fire. The symptoms are infected including fever, headache, diarrhea, nosebleeds, blood that vulpin, and public bleeding – the symptoms caused by a virus such as Ebola and Marburg. However, the experts have the name of the pathogens after trying more than the exact examples of cases and mortality, even if there is no known cluster. On February 15, when the last is reported about the outbreak, the total 431 is expected, including 53 died. Most cases, intervals are between the beginning of the symptoms and deaths only, from the biomedical pathogens linked to the symptoms of biomedism, although some are trying to post malaria. “The right cause is still unknown, with an infected Marburg,” enhance the communication and increase the complexion of the poor health infrastructure increases the risk of spreading, requires high level of interruption. Change climate use and climate change is two main driver, as it can increase your contact between humans and wildlife. According to the estimates of anyone, the outbreak of the disease sent from the animals for the past 63 percent, the latest illness, the latest disease is like that, and the patient instance that can be reached for malaria. The outbreaks then converted the respiratory infection increased by malaria.this, the story began appearing in Italy cable and has been translated from Italy.

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