Home Business 3 Ways To Prep Your House For Professional Carpet Cleaning

3 Ways To Prep Your House For Professional Carpet Cleaning


While vacuuming and cleaning your carpet yourself can go a long way toward keeping your home clean and your family healthy, sometimes, what you really need is to have a professional come in and really get all the dirt, grime, dust, and bugs out of your carpet. But to have the best results with this type of service, you need to do a little prep work.

To help you know how to best focus your time and attention, here are three ways to prep your house for professional carpet cleaning

Get An Accurate Quote

Before you even have your cleaning scheduled, you’ll want to get an accurate quote for how much the service will be costing you. While some companies will provide this over the phone, to really get the most accurate quote, you’ll want to have the company come over to your house to see how much carpet they’ll actually be cleaning. 

During the quote process, not only will they be able to see how much square footage you’ll want to have cleaned, but they can also see the condition that your carpeting is in and know exactly what they’ll need to do to properly clean it. With all of this information, you’ll be sure not to have any surprises on the day the cleaning crew shows up to clean your carpet for you. 

Make A Plan For Pets And Kids

While having your carpets cleaned isn’t going to be something dangerous that your kids or pets shouldn’t be around, kids and pets can easily get in the way of your cleaning crew and disallow the process from going as it should. 

To combat this issue, try to make plans for your pets and kids to be somewhere other than your home on the day your cleaning is scheduled. By keeping them out of the way not only during the actual cleaning but for a few hours after the cleaning has been finished, you’ll be able to ensure that your carpet is adequately cleaned and dry before you bring everyone back into your house. 

Move Your Furniture Off The Carpet

Right before your cleaning crew arrives to clean your carpet, you should do everything you can to remove any items from off of your carpet. This will allow the maximum amount of carpeting to get cleaned. 

If you have some parts of your home that have hard flooring that won’t be cleaned by your carpet cleaner, try to move your furniture to these areas of your home. You could also stack smaller pieces of furniture onto larger pieces of furniture so they’re more out of the way. 

If you’re going to have a professional carpet cleaner come to your house soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for this.