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‘Uber for app guns to hire the armed body guards like you will uber – but none do you need this?

‘Uber for app guns to hire the armed body guards like you will uber – but none do you need this?

In the video of the tickets with more than 3 million scenes, a woman in a good coat, the maximum seat on the back seat Suv, parked in the middle of New York city. On top of the video 6 seconds, the text line is read, “our body got Matcha.” The camera zoom in two stunning men with a red relationship, each carries the first Matcha that is at the time of walking back to the car. In the same video, a young woman film as a sleek chevrolet suburban when pulling up in front of his house. The man who had a coat open the door for her before she had been wrapped around, around the car with another man, who was dressed. They worship the suitcase led at the airport, safely followed him to the plane when he thinks in the video text: “POV you commanded security to bring you to the airport.” These posts are strategically attached to the newly called Protector-called Protector, the last week of the ordinary city and allows ordinary people to provide security detail like services. But the video is not organic. “We sent 14 pieces of content for [Protector] That causes 15 million display and over 30,000 downloads, “the women of the camil video, as well, the monitoring of the bier, as a biier, which is the acquisition of its own application with Discord and Facebook, The rage is a pleasant part of the world. She recently advised aii-powered Health to replace his name from several days, and then said the app to increase the survey that predicts exactly how and when the user will die. Of course, the app is shot in the number 6 in the health chart on the iOS shop and get a shout on the last show with Stephen Colbert. “I told you to change the app name: $ 24,000,” Bier wrote on X. “Your app in a joke in Colbert: Prices.” But for protectors, that bier reflects as “uber with guns,” the idea is more difficult than enhancing health features to health applications. The protective guards are active or published duties or published laws, each person who resumes the government to bring firearms and can be guards. Rent a security detail about Protector will be used for at least $ 1,000 for five hours, plus the $ 129 annual Membership fee. According to the estimates of the appfigure, the prediction of appfigure apps, protectives have been downloaded by the iOS based users of the US 97,000 times in the first week of February 17th. It was the third time downloaded on the launch day, when up to the number 3 on the App Store tourist chart. Initial curiosity around the app is calm despite; On February 27, seated in number 70 in a tourist chart. Although people download the app – perhaps from the curios of these – Install this does not guarantee that people will pay using it. The customer target the protector is not clear, because it is difficult to imagine what type of person you will do by paying over $ 1,000 for a very good service, which is not necessary. Perhaps another tactic to enhance the views, the protectives have made a wonderful audience: the executive business that concerns the safety of Brikason (which will have access to the company’s security). “If protectors are present [when Thompson was killed]The crisis can be deducted, “said the company in the X. Guards Security in the video can be claimed to be striking. Protector will be able to support itself. But now, the app has been argued from the angel investors of the Biscoin’s balaji will reach the $ 1 million, and “the network state” is like a prosper, Honduras. Last year ago, he would be better with this target by renting the island near the network “for” people who do not assume “and believed that” Bitcoin Success in Federal Reserve. “When the” uber with the “not extreme guns, like” the appfire, the efforts of the river, Friday, the Boldwolf’s estimated. Like protective, Blackwolf has been undergoing an extraordinary social media marketing brand and the alternatives to use the number of Citizen. is the incentive of public security and start-glows do not mix. This is mainly in the event of clearly citizen and the CEO fraunder promotion apps by distribution of apps app by spreading the argument of the arrest of people who are arrested in a person’s arrested. But after blaming notice in all the users Los Angeles to join the pursuit, then they have one of the wrong people – the wrong police arrested one of the wrong suspicion. Although citizens are still operating – and the CEO fixed frame – mistakes are large as protector preparing the next lesson. The protective is not only used in “uber for a gun.” This is a plan to start the application called “patrol,” the user can keep the security guards to spend their neighborhoods. More money users donate, higher security levels can unlock, including robots and dron to monitor the area. This is a controversial business move on time when believing America in law enforcement has given birth to high Police Police Murder. “We are not a police of mall,” Security Guardians say in promotional video to patrol. “We’re the real cop.”

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