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Travis Kalanick thinks Uber messed up: “I hope we have the product sharing the Otonomous Ritch”

Travis Kalanick thinks Uber messed up: “I hope we have the product sharing the Otonomous Ritch”

Traveet Kalanick, former CEO Uber, obviously when Wednesday: They believe in corporate decisions of autonomous driving programs as an error. Kalaniick said at Summit Abundance on LA, “Look, [new management] Turn off the autonome car project taken. At this time, we are only on the road, but it may pass them in brief. See rankings-. See rankings-. I do not open the company when it happens, but you know, you can say, ‘I hope we have the product sharing. This will be good. ‘”Uber sells a self-driving unit in the form of aurora technology in the past, Los Angeles, POPHIPs, the Waymo recently play in Austin with Uber. And the Uber betrayal will be critical when you grow in the service. But business is a business, and the Waymo decides not to take mid-further, Uber, after the future transportation, it can find his own reverse.

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