Andreesensen Horowitz co-founder Benwitz has contributed from Tesmada CyerTrucks to the Metropolitan Metropolitan Police, the department has been confirmed to the TechCrunch. Fleet Cybertruck is the latest entry on the hobuwitz gift list provided to the Vegas police – TechCrunch relations revealed in detail last year. Capitalist efforts have contributed more than $ 7 million in the department within the past few years. Most money has been used to buy technology from the Andessen Horowitz portoofolia companies. At times, techcrunch reports show, police department offers horowwitz the opportunity to consider how the technology is surrounded. Las Vegas Sheriff Kevin McMahill first announced the Gift Cybertrum on February 25th annual “country department”. He said when the speech that the truck was given by anonymous donor and she would not come out of the department buddle. Las Vegas-Journal Review is the first to report that Horowitz and the wife of Felicia are at the back of the gift. “We want the matter because the cops are in the inside will be no matter what. It stopped bullets. He is an extraordinary recruite tool for us,” McMahill said in his speech. McMahill said the stage that the department will receive 10 CEVERTrucks, even if the spiritual spokescarve techcrroch if the Horowitz contributed 11 of them. Horowitz does not respond to the request for the comment. The gifts before Horowitz for the Las Vegas police were made by giving funding for nonprofit police base – funding method for police responsibility said transparency and competition. However, the Department of Las Vegas review-Journal Review is not made for the police. The department does not respond to the query of techcrunch about how the donation is made.