The Chinese government announces Tuesday, open investigation to Google in response to 10 percent rates conducted in Chinese imports by President of US Donald Trump. The minute after the rate is applicable, the administration of China’s state of the marketplace is trying to be a giant tech author to ship the country, ensuring the automobiles to the US technology giant will be minimized. The movement gives a lot of outdoor space to increase if Trump administration reveals more rates or other trade measures. Google declined to comment on commenting that putting the reprint of some critical minerals like tungsten and pixels, coal, and other items of the US. The US does not trust in China for all the affected minerals, the country controls the majority of the world, which is used at Bulb lights, semiconductor, and ammunition, and ammunition China. Trade and rates do not have winners, “China Minister said in a weekly statement as soon as possible in the house and more important, not gaining in one side, still the world.” China has maintain Google in a trade war that is still in the past few years. In the past 2020, the Government is reported to the Giant Business Telecommunications, which is targeted Trump during the first words, Huawei is not can use the software created by America, Huawei cannot use the software made of America, Huawei cannot use the software created by America, Suite the tool used in the smartphone industry See rankings-. The pressure of the company developed its own operating system called Harmony O.But most smartphones worldwide, who have a comprehensive investigation and designated consumers and lower-choice app developers and fees. In China, some smartphone makers continue to depend on the Android version of Android Source. Significant trade source between US and China. The announcement arrived after the administration of Branch of China.about 15 years ago, Google ceased offering the search experience for China after a series of syberattacks and the US company. Google Debated China with a seloters seloter, but the project will not stop the technology of technology and censound Sporting Salefies in the local tribes and security offered for the customer in the market. Other Google Services such as YouTube is blocked by the Ownina Internet Regulator has allowed domestic companies to buy advertisements through Google to work in Google abroad. But the earnings of the offer is quite small, and China is not even garner as a designation in the company’s annual financial report last year. In contrast to meta, who displays China among the largest market in the advertisement and said the past Chinese advertising account for 10 percent of China’s annual income.