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Download: Pandemic risk rises, and ask anything on Reddit

Download: Pandemic risk rises, and ask anything on Reddit

I’ve been combing the internet to find the most fun/important/scary/interesting stories about technology. 1 Meta’s new speech policy allows denigration of trans people The revised guidelines now allow insults and accusations that were previously prohibited. (Platformer $)+ The change made Meta employees feel ashamed and embarrassed. (404 Media)+ Axed fact-checkers hold emergency meeting after Meta says it no longer needs its services. (Insider $) 2 The US Supreme Court will hear TikTok’s final appeal. (The Guardian)+ If the ban is enforced, you may still be able to access TikTok through a VPN. (NYT $)+ ByteDance founder could be TikTok’s secret weapon. (Information $)3 Images of the burning Hollywood sign are AI generated images that make the Los Angeles fire look worse than it is. (404 Media)+ Elon Musk and Donald Trump are not helping matters by spreading disinformation. (The Verge) + The camera’s AI keeps tabs on the spread of destruction in the California hills. (Insider $)+ The scale of the damage is truly terrifying. (NY Mag $) 4 Last year was officially the hottest on record. The average global temperature exceeded 1.5°C above the pre-industrial baseline for the first time. (New Scientist $)+ As a result, we are getting closer to violating the Paris Agreement. (Politico) 5 Ways to prevent another zoonotic pandemic It all depends on early detection. (FT $) 6 Foxconn has stopped sending Chinese workers to the Indian iPhone factory It’s bad news for Apple, because it could disrupt production. (Rest of World) 7 These new cells could change plastic surgery as we know it Lipochondrocytes have the stiffness of cartilage and the squishiness of fat. (Wired $)+ Cosmetic surgery is growing in middle-income countries. (Economist $) 8 Co-founders of Yandex have shaken off the death of PutinArkady Volozh has condemned Russia’s actions in the war with Ukraine, and started a new company. (Bloomberg $)+ How Russia is killing the tech industry. (MIT Technology Review)

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