This is the edition of the download, our WEEKDAY bulletin provides daily dose of what is done in the technology world. Everyone in AI talk about the manus. We put on to the test. Since the Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI Ai Ai Ai And not only in China, which is developed by Wuhan Butterfly based on Wuhan-based. It is made to global conversation, even someone claiming “deepseek” .manus that the second is a common Agency in the world, build a variety of models and AI agena for actions at a time. Although all the hype, very little people who have a chance to use. Reviews of technology mit can get access to the manus. Here’s what you are made of it. -Caiwei Chen are the virtual robots are quite real to prove that a real-real virtualist simulation, and the sensor measures, and the twins measures compare the real truck on the real road. Wababi says it is now fitting exactly, and underline the approach is a better way to show safety than just making a competitor you do. See full story. -The household leaves this makes hydrocarbon of carbon dioxiding years, researchers have worked for a photographic that imitate photosynthesis and carbon dioxide to create fuel. This mitigation leaf uses the sun to separate water into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be used for fuel or increasing electricity. Now the research team of Cambridge University has intended to make more fuel. The group tools produce ethilena and ITHA, proving that the artificial leaves can make hydrocarbons. The development can offer lower ways, cleaner to make fuel, chemical, and plastic-most important make up fuel that does not leave a dangerous trace after burned. See full story. – Kay is the beginning to reach the green steel milestone for steel production of metal-st boston steel only showing that steel required without a glass of glass. The company is successful steel reactor that has not made steel, returns to a small amount of metal, mit technology to report exclusive. The latest history means that Boston’s metal is just a step closer to the technology. And while there are a lot of milestone that still occurs before reaching a scale required to make teeth in steel industry, Run latest shows that companies can scale to the process. See full story. -Uy Crownhart This article is from Spark, with weekly newsletter site emails. To receive in your inbox every Wednesday, sign in here. That must read I’ve joined the internet to find you now that is fun / important / scary / lovely about technology. 1 US has a delivery recipe for Ukrainian leader also has agreed to start showing the military intelligence. (The Guardian) + Ukraine also approves the US proposal for ceasefire. (Vox) + meet radio-obsture derene civil dene civilians that have Ukraine Drone defense. (MIT Technology Review) Donald Trump has applied for 25% Donalds on the Importhe decision on metal is likely to produce fees for the American Manufacturing, and other manufacturers. (NYT $) + Business leaders are purified by messaging often mixed with rates. (WSJ $) + However, as-native metal manufacturers enjoy rates. (Economist $) + How is Trump’s rates can remove the battery, EVS, and more. (MIT Technology Review) 3 Texas’ (ARS technology) + A girl who is not six years that no died in Texas. (The Atlantic $) + The country is scrambling to respond to the outbreak. (URANK) + Virus is very contagious and dangerous for children and adults. (Cables $) 4 EBOL MusK wanting US government to close because it will be easier to burn federal workers. (Wired $) + A judge has reigned that the Doge has to comply with the freedom of action. (Verge) + Can help you solve a government budget? Complex. (Mit technology reviews) 5 Opening says that AI trained AI is ‘very’ in creative writing | The question, it can be a trained model in an existing ingredient (TechCrunch) + AI can make you more creative-but it has a limit. (MIT Technology Review) 6 Startup AI Startup Vallent is growing in a very much growing industry, especially in Bangalore technology. (Bloomberg $) 7 Spotify declared to pay $ 10 billion in the past year ago called “the largest partition of the history of the largest music industry.” (Ft $) + How to break Spotify algorithms. (Mit technology reviews) 8 Saturn has several months more than researchers planets that may find a new moon that has previously removed detection. (New scientists $) 9 This coffee shop is the hottest AI in New York’s Easy, Operanian Office only on the way. (Insider $) 10 Netflix does not have to use the left upscale resolution technology of Sitcom as many worlds look larger. (Deputy) quotation day “uncertainty is not so bad as rates.” -Dhenald Schneider, Vice Chief of our Privacy in Bank Paper Sandler, explains to Washington submission why the Investor feels Donald Trump. The big story may not be inside the ground “sneakennet” survival with the Taliban? 202ing November when Afghanistan arrived in the Taliban, Mohammad Yasin had to make a very difficult decision. He began to remove some sensitive data on the computer and moved to two largest hard drives, which was wrapped up the plastic layer and buried the ground. Yasin is locally referred to as “computer cards”: A person who sells digital content with a hand in the country, selling all movies, music, mobile applications, for iOS applications, to update iOS. And even though the dangers of the Taliban rules, “sneakennet” the country is not planning to die. See full story. -It we can still have a good thing to entertain, fun and disturbance to brighten the day. (Have any ideas? Put me a line or a joint.) Don’t thank you.