Google on Friday adds a new model, experimental “to text, embeddings are used in the text, such as the cost of the text. The company includes Amazon, Cohere, and Openai offers model Embedding through what is missing. Google has given a model that has been planned, but it is first trained in the Blog family. “We have trained incredible models throughout the domain, including the financial, legal, and liya-liyane.” Google negesake manawa nyuda lapisan gemini kanggo model embedding negara-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-saka-004, lan entuk kinerja kompetitif babagan benchmarks embedding sing populer. Compared to text-ะก4-004, geminic embedding can also receive text writing and larger code, and support twice a language (more than 100). Google records, if the Embedding Gemini is in the “experimental phases” with limited capacity and subject to. “[W]E’re worked on a stable release, generally available during the coming months, “said the Company write in the blog post.