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How do we keep tabs on doge

How do we keep tabs on doge

Leah Feiger: And many of them already have. Absolutely. Drummond: So many have, so my answer has, this will be through the court protect and here to keep the democracy and check and the balance. This is the last type, Leah Feiger: Drummond: The court is the end of democracy and the constitutional integrity. That’s now viewed is the possibility that it may not be held. What would you like to know? I know that you are not legal experts in addition to the political editor wired, but what have you heard? What do you want experts in your report? Leah feiger: There are many people who say, “This will come. Musk and Trump will attract attention, then this is going to end up in the high court.” Many people are doing solace with this. They say, “Yes, the court may be relaxed with the Republicans are quite common, but this is a trained professionally that will know that the law is required.” I’m not sure at the.Katie Drummond: Right.Leah Feiger: I will be honest. In terms of what’s the next thing, I think of, in a few ways, this court way, although a lot of decisions, there are many rooms to move on the doge side. Drummond: Yeah.Lah Cheiger : Many of these eggs cannot be held. Many evil and reduction and predictions are … it’s hard to walk back after the court may say, “No, can’t hold it.” And if Katie Drummond: If I could say that in All.Leah Cheiger: If I could say that at all.Katie Drummond: Right.Reah Cheiger: We listen to the concern of experts today. We’ve never seen anything like this.Katie Drummond: Of course. Not here in the United States. Noeah Feiger: There is nothing here in the United States.Katie Drummond: In the same as the breath, we breathe. We spend the work, and we will keep you taking care of you, the listeners with wires and readers with wires, reports, what we know. This is our commitment for you. You can read all the reports that Lea and his team performs on Wired.com. Leah, thank you so much to take time to join me. I know how busy you are.Leah Feiger: Thank you very much. I would like to talk to the government, the Katie.Katie Drummond: Now, now, now it will get your floors. We will be back tomorrow with the episode of the round, all about dating applications, as little as the latter program is low to all of you. If you like that you hear today, make sure you follow the benefits and ratings in the podcast application you choose. If you want to interact with us to question, comment, or share feedback, write to us at uncannyvalley@wired.com. The sound of the lal is a mature of this episode mix, with the technique of Jaka Lummus. Jordan Bell is our executive producer. CONDE NAST Audio Audio is Nast is Chris Bannon, and I Katie Drummond, the Director of Global Editor Wired. Thank you very much. Bye.

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