Home Tech Imagine A Future Where Chicagoans Walk In Driverless Cars For Free

Imagine A Future Where Chicagoans Walk In Driverless Cars For Free

Imagine A Future Where Chicagoans Walk In Driverless Cars For Free

Inside it smells like pine air freshener. He took a quick glance around. It was clean, the chair next to him was gray and plush. The driver and passenger seats are still there, as is the steering wheel. It’s just a regular SUV that turns into a self-driving car. A type of evolution. interesting. Her mother tapped on the window, and Zelu was surprised when it opened in response. He and his mother looked at each other for a moment and then laughed. “Wow,” his mother replied with a surprised look on her face. “I know,” Zelu agreed. “You gonna be alright?” “I’m just going to the lake,” Zelu said. “I’m fine.” “Call me if you need me. I can get you.” “Please prepare for your journey,” an automated voice announced. The mother jumped back, just as the SUV suddenly hit her. “Calm down, ma’am,” said Zelu. “The sensor knows you’re there. It won’t move unless you’re a safe distance away.” “I’ll believe it when I see it,” said his mother. Zelu waved back. And he was all alone, and his life was in the hands of the SUV. It was the first time he had ever been in a self-propelled vehicle. There was no one there, but he could not shake the feeling of their presence; something is under control. Like being chased away by a ghost. “Or should I say NoBody,” she said to herself, laughing. When the vehicle stopped to turn onto the highway, his happiness disappeared. The technology has been around for years, and they’ve been researching this new taxi service for the past few months. The idea of ​​being able to order with your phone is like Uber and not have to face humans who look weird, ask awkward questions, might be serial killers, etc. More importantly, it would free him from his family. Whenever he asked one of them for a ride, they responded with this strange mixture of pity, control, and duty. He didn’t think he knew he was doing this. It always made him feel sad and the children, even if it was one of his sisters driving him. Oh, to be free from that feeling. But, at this moment, he wanted to scream in panic. He dug his nails into the armrests of the chair. Despite all the research and assurances from the customer service people we talked to, this is very different because it happens in real time. What if there are mistakes and miscalculations? What if the other driver does something crazy that the SUV can’t understand or adapt to? What if there was a solar flare and all the cars died? he screamed as the SUV made a turn. “I’m going to die!” Then they were on their way. Zelu laughed and laughed in relief, still sweating bullets. The vehicle was traveling at the speed limit, which meant that everyone was passing him. Some people did a double take, some pointed, and two held up their phones to record video. Zelu is too rigid to pay anything. They approached the highway.

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