Home Business Life style is not an amount: It’s a Practice (Botox Treatment)

Life style is not an amount: It’s a Practice (Botox Treatment)


Life is too short. Let’s embrace it with open arms and dive in to explore it as this is a never ending Expedition , A journey that stops with death itself. A decent and calculated lifestyle is the need of the hour.

One has to fall in love with itself before all. One should polish a word of appraisal for oneself every day before the mirror and thereby boost up with positivity for the day’s workout.

Life is not about finding yourself ; it’s creating yours. A sense of belongingness arouse a feeling of healthiness and create roofs for further enhancing and reimaging oneself. In this tedious and passionate journey so called “LIFE” , it is obligatory to create space for oneself because it is a race with no pace. One will be left behind with no relics. Change the lifestyle with a vision and a single step and let your thoughts multiply leaps and bounds.

Beauty attracts the Eye but personality captures the heart . Beauty is the best possible version of yourself. “To look beautiful” the trend and fashion today is an essential component of one’s personality. Good Looks attract and beauty products play a pivotal role in enhancing the personality.

Botox treatment is prevalent as a minimally invasive measure for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and also on the forehead between the eyes. It is safe and effective for enhancing the glory of the face. It is a drug that weakens or relaxes a muscle when taken in small doses. It is a protein made from Botulinum toxin. They work by blocking the nerves that contract muscles, thereby softening the appearance of wrinkles and making it minimally visible. The muscle activity that causes the frown lines is reduced leaving the skin look younger and softer.

It contributes to slow down the formation of new lines by preventing the contraction of facial muscles. It doesn’t involve incisions or general anaesthesia. Botox injections prevent the release of acetylcholine, which stops the muscle cells from contracting. Botulinum toxin treatment retards the muscles from becoming less stiff. It has both cosmetic and medical uses .

Botox injections can temporarily relax the muscles and benefit people with muscle or nerve disorder. It is used for muscle spasm control,severe under arm sweating and cosmetic improvement. It is the most effective treatment for wrinkles. But one may look up for the pros and cons of the product.

Its side effects include pain at the injection site, infection, inflammation, swelling, redness, bleeding and bruising. Some of these symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction such as itching, wheezing, asthma, a rash, red welts, dizziness and faintness. These may be temporary and get back to the normal condition within a few months of usage. A Certified Doctor needs to be consulted for execution to inhibit from going into any adversity.

Botox accelerates to soften facial lines but not always get rid of them.

Rise with the Sun like a warrior ready to spend the day with a determination and an attitude of accepting what comes the way.

Your attitude together with your choices makes your life.