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This little robot cat will blow on your coffee to cool it down

This little robot cat will blow on your coffee to cool it down

Yukai Engineering’s strange animal robot parade at CES 2025 continues with Nékojita FuFu. A small cat is attached to the side of a cup or bowl, blowing air to help cool it. The Tokyo-based company says the robot combines a fan and a “special algorithm” – or “Fuing System – to blow with random force and intervals, just like a person. The unique name is a combination of two different concepts. “FuFu” is an onomatopoeia for the sound which is made when blowing on food. “Neko-jita” means “cat’s tongue.” This is a reference to people who have a low tolerance for hot food – a condition that can affect almost half of the Japanese population. Nékojita is a product of the same internal hack-a-thon that gave the world Murami, the little wallet goblin that Yukai also announced at CES this week. -remembering how she wanted help years ago by feeding her son freshly cooked baby food for doing so. often making him feel short of breath and dizzy. Yukai EngineeringImage Credits:Yukai Engineering Yukai describes the robot mods as follows: Basic Main Modes. Medium-strength/long strokes with short intervals. Look At It! Gradually ramps up in strength as it is captivated by how the food looks I’ve Got This! Strong head-start followed by sustained power. Princess Elegant, slowly and steadily increases in strength. Sing My Praise Nonstop series of powerful and short punches. Ready yet? Stop-and-go medium blow like checking to see if it is cool enough to eat. ‘Til You Drop Long, a powerful, relentless punch in one breath. No Gonna Spill blow medium regularly with short deep inhalations in between. The robot is set to launch in Japan at some point in mid-2025, priced at ~$25.

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