On the Thursday, President Donald Trump appears to blame the Midai’s collision that kills 67 people in the administration approach to a flight professional to rent a flight professional. But the experts and investigations involved in the accident, who also participated in the military helicopter, said the next few weeks will see the investigators in every crash element, and the time should be provided. “You have to give a moment,” Jennifer homedy, national transportation safety board, says Thursday press conference. The NTTSB is an independent federal supervisor agency that leads to the investigation. “We have data, we have a lot of information,” he said. “We have to verify information.” “We will be an analysis of national airport facts. The officers said nothing to be the USA Airlines’ em aged, survivors. It was a white time in the morning, Trump pointed in the program The intended to develop federal talents to the disability. There is no evidence, that the accident is associated with the fairness of labor. But he said, “Because I have a reasonable And unfortunately some people do not release the “white residence that judging” in Faa in favor of the renting program that encouraged the blade. Trump also reveal the USA transport and secretary to review the faa hires and the protocol of Faa, “and take actions that cannot do,” including the form of the form and the investigators said The precision and disrespectful approach will be able to determine why and how to collide the most of the classrooms at least deputy of the military, aircraft manufacturer, and organizations representing a flight professional.an operation group will look at the history and crew involved. Other groups will focus on the flight body, review wreckage and scene accidents to determine whatever they are launched before the collision, including the height. Others will expand the engines involved. Others will check the hydraulic, electricity, and pneumatic hydraulic systems, as well as flight control instruments. The group will appear specifically in the role of air traffic controls, using the data and data sensor to determine the professional method at the National Airport toward that. Others will check the first respondent reactions, and others will check specialized helicopters. The “human” group will be installed in the organization, with the focus on the role of fat, mophload, medicine, equipment, equipment, and training may play in the collision.