Home Tech Want To Avoid AI Scams? Try These Tips From Our Experts

Want To Avoid AI Scams? Try These Tips From Our Experts

Want To Avoid AI Scams? Try These Tips From Our Experts

Good luck! Thank you to everyone who reads WIRED’s AI Unlocked newsletter for listening to the latest conversations about money and artificial intelligence scams. I really enjoy interacting with readers and answering other questions directly. If you missed the broadcast, the full recording is available here for you to watch whenever you want, and the previous two livestreams from the AI ​​Unlocked series are also available. Subscribers can watch the first one here and the second one here.Katie Drummond, WIRED’s global editorial director, started our discussion this time, telling how her father was recently approached by a scam caller who tried to trick him with a ringing voice. like him. Fortunately no money was lost during these interactions, but it is a strong reminder that AI-powered fraud is not a future problem, but a problem we need to think about now. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you may want to set up a secret passcode that you can use to authenticate each other on your phone, in case of an emergency. We’re also joined by Andrew Couts, WIRED’s senior editor who focuses on security and investigations. Couts shared insights into the different approaches used by scammers, including how different groups are now using AI-powered tools to create live videos and trick people out of money. He warned viewers to pay attention to social engineering methods often used by scammers, such as creating a sense of urgency or encouraging you not to tell anyone. You can learn more specifically about AI scam calls here.During the live event, I talked about a recent investigation into AI financial advisors and how it reminds me to remain skeptical of startups that claim to help with money problems. Instead of using my banking data to help me financially, the AI ​​advisors seem to focus on asking me for high-interest loans or high-interest personal loans. and chatbot tools in everyday life, keep your inbox open: reece_rogers@wired.com. I always love to hear from WIRED subscribers, so no questions are too basic or too niche to ask. The next live show is scheduled for February, so check your inbox for more details.

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