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Amid criticism of small boat strategy, Sunak attacks ‘left-handed lawyer’

Amid mounting signs that the government is turning the issue into an electoral “culture war”, Rishi Sunak on Wednesday surrounded a “left-handed lawyer” he said was thwarting efforts to crack down on illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, Home Secretary Suera Braverman wrote a letter to Tory members arguing that “a group of left-wing lawyers, civil servants and Labor activists” opposed legislation restricting small boat crossings in the Channel. is said to have written

The attack prompted claims by Labor that the new illegal immigration bill was a “gimmick” to allow Tories to portray their opponents as immigrant-friendly.

The prime minister told MPs the government had a “clear plan” to stop small boat crossings, while defending a bill banning individuals believed to have entered the UK illegally from applying for asylum. He said he was.

The legislation, announced in the House of Commons on Tuesday, aims to reduce the number of people entering the UK across the Channel. record 45,000If passed, it would impose a “legal obligation” on the Home Secretary to transfer asylum seekers to a “safe” third country or country of origin.

But Braverman said in a letter to parliamentarians on Tuesday that there was a “50% or greater” chance that the bill would violate Britain’s commitments under the European Convention on Human Rights.

The bill is expected to be hotly contested in parliament and courts, and will set the scene for Sunak to accuse others of trying to thwart his efforts to “stop the boat.”

Addressing the House of Commons, Sunak denounced Labor leaders Sir Kia Starmer To be “just a left-handed lawyer standing in our way”.

Earlier Wednesday, FDA civil servants union general secretary Dave Penman accused Braverman of violating the ministerial order in her email.

Penman wrote in the letter:

Downing Street said Braverman did not approve the email, but the Conservatives later said “the wording was not seen by the Home Secretary” and was “under consideration”. [its] internal clearance process”.

The Bar Association, meanwhile, said the attacks by Sunak and Braverman exposed “astonishing ignorance” about the role of lawyers representing clients within the legal framework created by Congress.

Opposition parties and rights groups have questioned both the morality and practicality of the policy in light of challenges to the government’s plan to deport some asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Sturmer said Wednesday that ministers had “lost control of the border” and their plans had driven Britain’s “world-leading modern slavery framework” with “coaches and horses”.

“I think this violates international law,” said Ylva Johansson, the EU’s interior commissioner, at a Politico event in Brussels.

of United Nations Refugee Agency He said he was “deeply concerned” that the bill would amount to an asylum ban and “extinguish the right to seek asylum in the UK”.

The bill has also received opposition from some business groups. London Chamber of Commerce President Richard Burge said he had “a legitimate view of the damage”, although he had no legal reason to be involved in the dispute. [the bill posed] To Britain as a trading nation.”

Meanwhile, a survey released on Thursday suggested that public attitudes to immigration have softened significantly across the board since Brexit, despite net immigration hitting a record high. .

Britain in Changing Europe, a think tank and the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, said nearly half of the public believed it was a force for good, with 29% dissenting. only thought it was in the best interest of society.

https://www.ft.com/content/246232b7-2f83-4698-a2bd-368e396913fe Amid criticism of small boat strategy, Sunak attacks ‘left-handed lawyer’

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