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‘Biden is leading us into oblivion,’ Trump says in address to Maga Republicans at CPAC – LIVE | US Politics

Trump has warned of World War III, saying he is the only candidate who can prevent it.

“This is the most dangerous time in our nation’s history, and Joe Biden is leading us into oblivion,” Trump said, calling for a Biden administration-led US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. criticized.

“By the way, there will be World War III. If something doesn’t happen soon, there will be World War III,” Trump said.

“I am the only candidate who can make this promise. I will prevent World War III,” he said.

important event

Calling for paper ballots, same-day ballots and voter IDs, Trump said, “I will move heaven and earth to finally secure an election.”

“But until that day comes, Republican We have to compete by all legal means to win,” he said.

Trump has listed a series of policies he plans to remove once he becomes president.

“I am asking Congress to reverse all Biden policies that promote chemical castration and sexual mutilation and to pass legislation to ban child sexual mutilation in all 50 states,” Trump said.

“And keep men out of women’s sports,” he vehemently opposed transgender rights and gender-affirmation surgery.

Trump went on to say that he would “destroy illegal censorship regimes and restore free speech to America.”

“And I will stop Joe Biden from destroying the economy with catastrophic inflation and mass layoffs. We will deal with inflation very quickly.”

He also said he would hold China “financially responsible” for “causing” the Covid-19 vaccine, and attacked the World Health Organization, calling it “we are hiding the outbreak.”

In an attempt to stop the flow of illegal drugs, Trump said he would “topple the cartels” the same way he overthrew the ISIS caliphate.

“We’re going to build another 200-mile wall,” Trump said, promising to step up enforcement at border crossings.

“We’re going to seal it up and extend that wall until we have full control over it,” he added, adding that the first settlement bill he signed at the White House was signed with more ICE Border Patrol agents. I promised to make sure that I would be deported.

“They are emptying their prisons … and their … psychiatric hospitals,” refers to the countries on the southern border where refugees are fleeing (indeed, many of them are politically charged). fleeing violence, dire economic conditions, and persecution).

He then compared the so-called “psychiatric hospital” to that featured in the 1991 thriller The Silence of the Lambs.

“We will end the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine before we even get to the Oval Office,” Trump said, adding that it would end “in a day.”

“I know what to say,” he added.

Trump has warned of World War III, saying he is the only candidate who can prevent it.

“This is the most dangerous time in our nation’s history, and Joe Biden is leading us into oblivion,” Trump said, calling for a Biden administration-led US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. criticized.

“By the way, there will be World War III. If something doesn’t happen soon, there will be World War III,” Trump said.

“I am the only candidate who can make this promise. I will prevent World War III,” he said.

“I was the only president… Russia didn’t take over the country during my term… I said ‘Vladimir, don’t do it,'” Trump said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. .

“With me, they didn’t take anything and I didn’t even have to threaten them. Putin knew that, [Chinese] President Xi also knew that,” he added.

Trump has accused China, Iran and Russia of an alliance and blamed the United States’ “silly oil policy” for bringing the three countries closer together.

“Stop the costly … slide into war,” Trump said, listing his priorities if he were to become president.

He then lashed out at NATO members, how he urged others to “pay” or lose America’s protection against the Russian threat.

“In 2016 I declared: I am your voice. Today I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. To those who have been wronged and betrayed. : I’m your retribution,” Trump said.

“I will annihilate the Deep State once and for all. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces that have weaponized our judicial system. I will put it back in charge,” he added.

He went on to attack the Biden administration as “the most corrupt administration in American history.”

He also lashed out at Hunter Biden, calling him a “criminal” before calling Joe Biden a “criminal” as well.

Guardian’s David Smith is in the room and will do a full report later.

Trump: “In 2016 I declared I am your voice. Today I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice…I am your retribution.”

— David Smith (@SmithInAmerica) March 4, 2023

The crowd applauded and shouted, “Trump! Trump! Trump!” He promised to win the 2024 presidential election.

“If I win 2024, I’ll do it again stronger, faster and in better shape because I’ve gained experience,” he added.

“I know people in Washington…I didn’t know them [before]I was from New York… but now I know everything, the good, the bad, the weak, the strong.

The crowd then burst into another chant, “USA! United States! United States!” Trump said, “I didn’t know this was a rally. It’s really a rally.”

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/mar/04/donald-trump-cpac-2023-bolsonaro-republicans-us-politics-live ‘Biden is leading us into oblivion,’ Trump says in address to Maga Republicans at CPAC – LIVE | US Politics

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