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China dispatches 71 fighter planes and 7 ships to Taiwan around the clock

Taiwan’s defense ministry said on Monday that the Chinese military had sent 71 planes and seven ships to Taiwan for 24 hours after China expressed anger over the Taiwan-related clause. US Annual Defense Spending Bill.

Military harassment of Taiwan, which China claims is its territory, intensified in recent yearsand the Communist People’s Liberation Army send planes and ships to the islands almost daily.

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense, between 6 a.m. Sunday and 6 a.m. Monday, 47 Chinese aircraft crossed the Taiwan Strait median.

Among the aircraft China sent to Taiwan included 18 J-16 fighters, 11 J-1 fighters, 6 Su-30 fighters, and drones.

Taiwan said it monitors China’s movements not only through its own naval vessels, but also through land-based missile systems.

“This is a firm response to the current US-Taiwan escalation and provocation,” Shi Yi, a spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command, said in a statement Sunday evening. It announced that the People’s Liberation Army is conducting joint combat patrols and joint strike exercises in waters around Taiwan.

Shi was referring to the US defense budget bill calling China a strategic issue. Regarding the Indo-Pacific region, the Act authorizes enhanced security cooperation with Taiwan and calls for increased cooperation with India on new defense technologies, readiness and logistics.

In Washington, a senior White House National Security Council official said China’s military activities near Taiwan were “destabilizing, risking miscalculation and undermining regional peace and stability.” .

Commenting on condition of anonymity, the official said: It is in line with our longstanding commitment and consistent with our One China policy. “

China’s military often conducts large-scale military exercises as a use of force in response to Washington’s actions in support of Taiwan.

In response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, a large-scale live-fire military exercise was held in August. Beijing views visits to the islands by foreign governments as a de facto acknowledgment of the islands’ independence and as a challenge to China’s sovereignty claims.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-sends-71-warplanes-7-ships-toward-taiwan-in-24-hours/ China dispatches 71 fighter planes and 7 ships to Taiwan around the clock

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