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Democrats Warn of Deadlock as House Republican Issues Demand – Live | US Politics

There are two issues the House has to grapple with this year. It can be either critical business or critical leverage, depending on who you ask.

The first is government funding. Bills passed at the end of 2022 paid for operating expenses through September this year, but Congress will again take action to ensure funding for everything from paying federal employees to keeping offices running. There is a need. Failure to do so will lead to the first government shutdown since 2019.

But no matter how serious it is, it pales in comparison to the consequences of a US default. And he could do so as early as June if Congress doesn’t agree to raise the debt ceiling.

Democrats say they are ready to raise the debt ceiling unconditionally and are willing to negotiate in good faith on another government funding bill later this year. RepublicanThese two issues are two of the most obvious ways to extract concessions from the White House and Senate.

important event

Republican Senator John Kennedy appeared on Fox News to explain the impending debt ceiling conflict in colorful terms.

He laid out the arguments we can expect to hear from Republicans over the next few months. The Democrats will pay off this debt, Republican We won’t help them raise their borrowing limits unless they agree to keep their spending down.

Here’s what the senator had to say:

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) describes the impending debt ceiling crisis:

“If you’re going to party, you have to pay the band.” pic.twitter.com/EAYDAN4u7i

— Recount (@therecount) January 18, 2023

Remember, the national debt has increased under both Democratic and Republican presidents. donald trump, person who presided over a large increase Even before emergency spending was approved to protect against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Who else do you think will serve on a House committee? Yes, George Santos is an admitted liar. News from Martin Pengelly:

Chairman of one of two House committees on which George Santos serves sit The New York Republican’s resume was shown to be largely a hoax and he defended the decision despite current allegations of deceptive and criminal conduct. include Bills a disabled veteran out of $3,000 raised to save his dog’s life.

Roger Williams of Texas, chairman of the Small Business Commission, said: Said CNN: “I don’t condone what he said or what he did. I don’t think anyone. But that’s not my role. He was chosen.”

Santos will also reportedly join the Science, Space and Technology Committee. CNN said its request to join a panel dealing with the financial sector and foreign policy was denied.

Santos won the election in New York’s Third District in November. Since then, he has been the subject of relentless media scrutiny and has called for his resignation from his own party and party. Democratic Partyand multiple calls for an investigation into his campaign finance.

Another consequence of Republican control of the House again was the ousting of two right-wing lawmakers from committee work, the Guardian’s Martin Pengelly Report:

Two far-right lawmakers in Congress whose threatening behavior led to their removal from committees when Democrats dominated the House were tasked Tuesday by the new Republican chairman. Kevin McCarthy.

Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Green sits on House Homeland Security Committee and oversight committeeArizona’s Paul Gosar was named Director and Natural Resources.

Democratic Party It was erased Mr. Green from the February 2021 Commission has endorsed QAnon and other conspiracy theories, including alleging the assassination of opponents and bizarre claims about 9/11 and the Parkland school shootings. He cited inflammatory behavior, such as expressing

Eleven Republicans supported Green’s removal, despite being denounced by the party’s leader. speak at a white supremacist conference Last February, the Georgia congressman has since become close friends with McCarthy.

Republicans are still ducking in the House, but they have already made it clear that cutting government spending will be one of their top priorities this year.

But it could make it nearly impossible to reach a deal with Democrats in the Senate on funding the government. political reportingEspecially when Republicans are adamant about demanding at least $130 billion in spending cuts in every aspect of government except the military.

Worse the dynamics is the deal Kevin McCarthy Clashing with conservative supporters to win the vote for the Speaker of the House, he reportedly agreed to support calls for cuts, placing many of his lawmakers on committees to ensure that they could get any votes. I was able to influence the deal.

But as Politico reports, some Republicans admit they haven’t agreed exactly on the spending cuts they want. “I don’t think we’ve had a really good full-blown discussion or debate about what’s politically viable,” he said. Steve Womacka powerful Appropriations Committee Republican.

There are two issues the House has to grapple with this year. It can be either critical business or critical leverage, depending on who you ask.

The first is government funding. Bills passed at the end of 2022 paid for operating expenses through September this year, but Congress will again take action to ensure funding for everything from paying federal employees to keeping offices running. There is a need. Failure to do so will lead to the first government shutdown since 2019.

But no matter how serious it is, it pales in comparison to the consequences of a US default. And he could do so as early as June if Congress doesn’t agree to raise the debt ceiling.

Democrats say they are ready to raise the debt ceiling unconditionally and are willing to negotiate in good faith on another government funding bill later this year. RepublicanThese two issues are two of the most obvious ways to extract concessions from the White House and Senate.

House Republicans make demands, but Democrats wary of deadlock

Good morning, readers of the US Politics Blog. 2 years later Joe Biden With the Democrats in full control of Congress, Republicans are keen to use the majority. House of Representatives To hold his presidency accountable and force his allies to yield to their will. From spending cuts to research, they have big plans to ensure Congress enacts conservative policies. Democrats warn that the government could shut down or even default on the country’s debt if the two sides can’t overcome their substantive differences. This dynamic will likely define Congress for the next two years, but expect to hear more about it today as Republican leaders detail committee assignments and other agenda items in the House of Representatives. will be

Other events for today include:

  • of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierrebriefed reporters at 3:00 p.m. ET and will no doubt request more information about the administration’s response to Biden’s possession of classified documents.

  • of House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comeris requesting information about Chinese donors to the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn-Biden Center, where some of the president’s classified documents were kept.

  • of British Foreign Secretary James Cleverleycontinues his visit to Washington, D.C., with a planned wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/jan/18/house-republican-committees-biden-documents-democrats-shutdown-live-updates Democrats Warn of Deadlock as House Republican Issues Demand – Live | US Politics

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