The state quality of the state of the state is ends of an instance of intelligent, efficient diplomacy that has american soft power when brings real change. “I’ve never seen the US government initiative has an influence that is in the country,” Gary Locke, the people can see the data collected from the state, as well as the Zephair, the app designed by the state department to help us abiplomat abromatic. The streaks are not available; The app shows that at least half of the dollar accepts are re-reported in the middle of the day, “he said he has become a general recognition of China. Pollution is very bad at Beijing that the city should close the airport. The battles of the country is to reset the “Crazy Bad” on the back of the air, but the Chinese Government’s government says, but decides to trust the US Number. Many people are giving disappointments on social media and push the government to make the air clean. So “awakening the same as London fog,” said former US diplomat. In almost unknown twists now, China Government even if they have chosen the US state department method to report air quality. It also makes significant attempts to clean air pollution, and collaborate with climate and environmental issues. The sacrificial programs are welcomed in many other countries, especially that has none infrastructure, especially Westervelt. In some cases, local government use high-quality data collected in US Embassy to take a cheap, the country, support for the airgrading program, westervelt. “You cannot reduce the issue of air pollution except you have quantitative proof,” he said. “Lose it’s a big blow.” A clear economic winnerver in the past month, Trump Administration has created the cut funding fund and government government (DOGE). But the air monitoring program, it is not very expensive for the US state department to keep. Westervelt estimate the only thousands of dollars per year because most professor monitors, and the main professor of Carnegie Mellon la-arhehed Arthode Ath Kahi study. When the US Embassy began publishing the passage of the city, they often apply public awareness about pollution and implementing the host state to clean the air. JHA finds a Google search for the term “air quality” is stable after monitoring is attached. The air pollution rate, approximately satellite measurements, also, Jha’s research also finds money for the State Department, which required to pay compensation to life in a more dangerous environment. “Our estimation shows that the monitor saves median embassy in a number of years, making the benefit of being treated for the progress of this program for cost, it is a clear champion,” said Jha.