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Evangelical Christians flock to Republicans over their support for Israel.donald trump

W.Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Said His country should worry less about what American Jews think and focus on Christian evangelicals as the “backbone” of support for the Jewish state, he said. Megachurch pastor John Hazy.

Huggie founded Christian United Israel (CUFI), a group that claims 11 million members, has had a significant impact on Republican politics and bolstered Washington’s already strong support for Israel.

president donald trump By abandoning even the pretense that the United States is a neutral player in the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he made Huggy and his desire to keep Christian Zionist voters happy as an important part of his foundation. I didn’t keep it a secret.

Former South Carolina governor and current White House hopeful Nikki Haley, when she invited him for the presidency, said Hajie’s power within the most important religious bloc of Republican voters and anti-abortion laws from Israel. A campaign launched last month that acknowledged their influence over political priorities up to policy.

“Pastor Haggy, I still say I want to be you when I grow up,” she enthused.

Haley and Hagee’s Israeli allies were left largely unmentioned. anti-semitic views, including calling Hitler a “half-blooded Jew” sent by God to drive the Jews into Israel. He also suggested that the Jews brought persecution upon themselves over the centuries by disobeying God.

None of that disappointed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. addressing CUFI Summit in Washington in 2019.

“Pastor Haggy, thank you for your continued and tremendous support. For decades you have led efforts to increase support for Israel from within the Christian community,” he said.

Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Ron Dahmer, had his views on the importance of evangelical support for Christians as American Jews became increasingly critical of Israel’s increasingly right-wing leaning.

Trump’s Ambassador to Israel David Friedman Said Evangelical Christians “support Israel with far greater fervor and devotion than many in the Jewish community.” While Christian Zionists also vote overwhelmingly Republican, polls show most American Jews do not.

As a result of that endorsement, the implications for Republican primaries in particular can be seen in major policy shifts, including Trump’s decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In 2018, Mr. Hagee gave a congratulatory address at the opening ceremony.

But it also has implications for local politics, such as the proliferation of state laws punishing support for the Palestinian movement to boycott Israel, and the requirement for Republican primary candidates to pledge unwavering support for the Jewish state. I’m here.

number of white evangelical Christians is on the decline, from about a quarter of Americans in 2006 to 14% today. But even with their numbers dwindling, they remain the most politically influential of the religious blocs.

Debra Shushan, policy director of J Street, a group set up to promote “pro-Israel, pro-peace” policies polls show He said he was supported by the Jewish majority in America, and that his influence distorted American policy toward Israel.

“Christian Zionism, and particularly the variety of Zionism that has become dominant among American evangelical Christians in recent decades, calls for Jewish domination and settlement throughout Israel as a requirement to fulfill end-time prophecies. It is very detrimental to American politics, and US policy toward Israel,” she said.

“Comparing the numbers of Evangelical Christians and Jewish Americans shows why Evangelical Christians and Christian Zionists as a group can be so influential, especially when their support is disproportionate to a particular political party. Organizations like CUFI now claim more than 11 million members. By overview, CUFI has more members than American Jews.”

Author Daniel Hamel Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and US-Israel RelationsEvangelical support for Israel rests primarily on two distinct theological arguments.

Better known is rooted in the apocalyptic interpretation of the Bible and Israel’s role in the second coming of Jesus and the “end times.” An important part of it, Hummel said, is a uniquely American theological tradition known as dispensationalism.

“At its core is the teaching that God still has many prophecies to be fulfilled through the Jews and the nation of Israel,” he said.

“It is a particular strand that is often shown by evangelicals who are excited, talking about events in the Middle East in an apocalyptic way. Some even think it helps shape it.”

But Hummel said that a second element of Christian Zionism has come to the fore in recent years. There, evangelicals make use of passages from the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

“They take literally what God said to Abraham, ‘Bless those who bless you, and curse whoever curses you. They see Abraham as a stand-in for the Jews, and reading that passage, the way to get blessings from God is to bless the Jews. They interpret it to mean support for the state of Israel,” he said.

“Whether pastors vote for politicians who say they support Israel, actually donate money to Israel, or tour Israel for its economic contributions, when they support Israel, individual We see this on a national level as well, where a lot of rhetoric about the decline of American society and the decline of America’s power abroad has been blamed on inadequate support for Israel and You can see that it is tied to consideration for Israel’s interests.”

Hummel said the “blessed” belief is particularly popular among Pentecostals and dominates the leadership of the CUFI and other Christian Zionist groups working in Washington.

“It’s a change. Going back to people like Jerry Falwell in the 1980s and 90s, he was a very big supporter of Israel. He wasn’t Pentecostal. He was a Baptist fundamentalist. Yes, and was very skeptical about a particular reading, namely “blessing.” [of] Israel,” he said.

“Hagee is a Pentecostal preacher who has made ‘apocalyptic’ arguments in favor of Israel, but more generally the need for foreign policy against Israel’s enemies such as Iran. relies on an interpretation of “blessing” in framing the problems of American society over ”

About 80% of evangelicals said Trump had previously shown little interest in the Jewish state and had made anti-Semitic remarks that stereotyped Jewish power and money. , voted for Trump twice. But Trump understands politics, and so did the evangelicals among his key officials.

Former Vice President Mike Pence was once an evangelical. Suggested God sent Trump to save IsraelTrump’s top diplomat, Mike Pompeo, reversed long-standing policy legal advice He declared Israeli West Bank settlements illegal and became the first U.S. Secretary of State to visit the settlements.

Pompeo last month defended Israel claims to have ruled Palestinian territory for decades and has biblical claims to the land.

“[Israel] not an occupied country. As an evangelical Christian, I believe in reading the Bible. [this land] It is the rightful home of the Jews,” he said.

Even without Trump, the consequences will linger. President Biden has not reversed the embassy’s move or reinstated his position that Israeli settlements are illegal.

Still, Hummel said change, though distant, may be on the horizon.

“There is a generational difference. The younger evangelical community, under the age of 40, is much less supportive of Israel and much more concerned with social justice ideas about the Middle East that side with Palestinians than with Israelis. And that could make a big difference in how we talk about evangelicals and Israel in 10 or 15 years,” he said.

“It’s aging leadership. Mr. Huggie is in his 80s. A change in leadership could actually make a big difference in this. But today, in 2023, when we’re sitting here, Most of the evangelical world is very pro-Israel.”

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/06/evangelical-christians-republicans-2024-israel-palestinians Evangelical Christians flock to Republicans over their support for Israel.donald trump

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