Home Tech Exclusive: The honor of the New Agent Agent Reader can read and...

Exclusive: The honor of the New Agent Agent Reader can read and know your screen

Exclusive: The honor of the New Agent Agent Reader can read and know your screen

Choosing a restaurant, but cannot complete the process because the point selects a credit card to confirm your reservation, then the user has to be done. You can flexible in the query-in other samples, asking for the current or more important reverentials to make a review of the web site can browse online. Google last year takes The Gemini Model 2 AI trained to do for you. It can also be manually interface for your application without using an assistant application, if traditional application programming is traditional or traditional communicate applications with each other. The agent surprising the process, allowing you to issue the command and has the task-offspring describing an exclusive model of AI ai to perform a multimal to perform an object with autonomous. Instead of training the Assistant to learn every portion of the application you can use, can identify the semantic element of the interface and will follow the multi-step process to execute your request. The heos highlight this process is more effective cost: “Not like a competitor such as Apple, Samsung, and Google produces on AI application enraged.” Julian Photo: Julian Nokanket

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