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Find out How to Secure Your Phone


Many of us cannot imagine our lives without a smartphone. This small gadget stores all our memories, important data, and is even sometimes used as a working instrument for earning money. Therefore, it is critically important to keep your mobile phone safe. The following tips will help you cope with the task 100% effectively and avoid unpleasant situations when your smartphone is lost, damaged, or hacked.

Tip #1 – Setting Passwords on Your Phone

Setting a password for unlocking the device is the first thing that protects the data on your smartphone if it falls into the wrong hands. To access the information, it is necessary to unlock the gadget and use no more than 5-10 attempts. If attackers fail to find the correct code, confidential information becomes inaccessible.

Tip #2 – Installing a Phone GPS Tracker

In case your phone is lost or stolen, you can easily know where it is if a mobile number tracker online free with location is installed in it. The app will provide you with the exact coordinates of your gadget and will solve many problems of yours.

Find out How to Secure Your Phone

Tip #3 – Installing Two-Factor Authorization on Services

This is a type of login that requires entering an additional code after submitting the main password. As a rule, the two-factor code is sent to you by:

  1. Email to the “Notifications” section;
  2. SMS or in a messenger to a mobile phone, if the number is connected to the service;
  3. Notification to another device connected to the profile.

Each time the password is different, which provides additional protection.

Tip #4 – Installing a Firewall

Viruses attack not only PCs; smartphones are no exception. And if iOS cases of “infection” are quite rare, Android users sometimes have to cope with the openness of the system and its vulnerability to viruses. The built-in firewall does not always fully protect. Viruses break through it and do dirty deeds. So, for additional protection, a special program will not hurt – it will not take up much space but will bring solid benefits:

  • Protection from viruses;
  • Cleaning the phone cache and temporary files;
  • Enabling VPN to protect data;
  • Scanning open Wi-Fi networks for online security;
  • Setting passwords for any programs;
  • The Anti-Theft function takes pictures of those who are trying to break into the phone.

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Tip #5 – Backing up All the Data on Your Phone

Regular system backups should become your habit. You can sometimes delete some important files accidentally, and having a backup, this won’t be a problem for you. In addition, only through a backup can you quickly transfer confidential information (including phone numbers and correspondence) when buying a new phone, for example.

Tip #6 – Download Apps Only From Official Websites

Downloading applications from third-party sites, you risk getting a virus. In the best case, you will have to deal with limitless advertising campaigns. And in the worst scenario, hackers gain access to your personal data and banking applications, blocking the phone forever. These problems can be avoided by using only official app stores.