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Four of officers charged in Tyre Nichols’ death had previous workplace violations: NPR

Video footage released by the City of Memphis on January 27, 2023 shows a police officer speaking after five Memphis police officers brutally attacked Tyre Nichols on January 7, 2023 in Memphis, Tennessee. is showing. Nichols said he died in January. 10. Five police officers were subsequently dismissed and charged with second-degree murder and other charges.


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Video footage released by the City of Memphis on January 27, 2023 shows a police officer speaking after five Memphis police officers brutally attacked Tyre Nichols on January 7, 2023 in Memphis, Tennessee. is showing. Nichols said he died in January. 10. Five police officers were subsequently dismissed and charged with second-degree murder and other charges.


According to Memphis police personnel records shared by NPR, four of the five former Memphis police officers charged in Tyre Nichols’ death had previously violated the department.

Former officers Demetrius Haley, Desmond Mills, Emmit Martin, Justin Smith, and Tadarius Bean were fired on January 20 and are now indicted for murder. Video of January 7 incident released Friday.

Four of these officers, Haley, Martin, Mills, and Smith, had previously been fired for failing to report when they used violence, failing to report a domestic dispute, or for damage done to a squad cruiser. was subject to disciplinary action or suspension. Memphis Police. Bean had no reprimands or suspensions on file.

Two disciplinary cases related to the use of force focused on whether officers filed the required reports on the incidents and did not appear to investigate whether the use of force by officers was justified.

If you look at the officer’s records, you’ll see:

Demetrius Haley

Hailey joined the division in August 2020. He violated department policy by failing to complete a resistance form after grabbing and handcuffing a woman’s arm in February 2021. According to the files, if an officer uses a body part “to enforce compliance,” a form must be filled out.

At a hearing on the case, Haley said he misjudged the amount of force required to justify filling out the form. Haley received a written reprimand.

In August 2021, Hailey was hit with a traffic ticket for crashing into a stop sign while answering a call about an aggravated assault. At a hearing about the incident, Haley said she was driving to the scene when she heard a call over the radio that one of the responding officers was holding a suspect at gunpoint and said, “It’s just about officer safety. Think about it,” he said, rushing over there.

The hearing officer wrote, “Cop Haley took full responsibility for the accident and was very humble during the hearing,” and the offense was dismissed.

Desmond Mills Jr.

Mills graduated from West Virginia State University with a degree in criminal justice in 2013 and joined the Memphis Police Department in March 2017.

In March 2019, Mills violated protocol and dropped his personal digital assistant (PDA) into the street while getting into a police car. The device was then run over by another car.

This was Mills’ first offense, and he immediately reported the incident to union representatives, for which he received written disciplinary action, according to department records.

Later that month, Mills failed to submit a response to the resistance form when he used physical force to knock the woman to the ground. She could be handcuffed and arrested. At a hearing in August 2021, Mills said she was unaware that her actions required the use of the form, and she again received written reprimand.

Emmitt Martin III

Martin graduated from Bethel University in 2015 with a degree in Criminal Justice and joined the department in March 2018.

In March 2019, a loaded handgun was found in the passenger side of the police car Martin and his partner were using. Martin said he neglected to properly inspect before and after the shift and only inspected the car from the outside. During his shift that day, he and his partner made two traffic stops and the suspect was placed in the back seat where the gun was found. Additionally, after the suspect left the vehicle, officers did not conduct a search per protocol. According to the files, Martin was suspended for three days without pay.

In September 2020, Martin violated protocol by mishandling a domestic violence complaint between two sisters that one of her husbands requested to be reported. Martin did not receive the report, but said he did not believe it was necessary because the person involved was intoxicated and the alleged abuse victim’s wife did not want it. Officers who responded, including Martin, threatened to arrest both sisters if they had to take the report, according to police department records.

At the disciplinary hearing, a fellow officer and a lieutenant defended Martin, saying the victim did not want to be reported and that Martin was not one to “evade responsibility.”

“Memphis police officers are directed by department policy and state law to make a full report of the scene of a domestic violence call,” the hearing officer wrote.[s] Arrest decisions cannot be made [on] It is based on the consent of the victim or the perception that the victim is willing to cooperate with the prosecution. ”

Martin was suspended for one day without pay.

In the 2021 Performance Ratings, Martin was ranked as exceeding expectations in his dealings with the public.

“Cop Martin is respectful in his dealings with others, regardless of gender, race, age or class,” said the assessment. He’s always been a top leader in arrests and calls, and no one he’s arrested has complained.”

Justin Smith

Smith began working in the department in March 2018. In January 2021, he overtook his vehicle and crashed into the rear, which spun and hit his third vehicle with the two of them in it. All involved were sent to hospital in non-critical condition.

Smith said the driver of the second car made a right turn and then made a sudden left turn into his lane. A summary of the disciplinary hearing said he admitted to speeding but said his memory was somewhat hazy due to a minor head injury from an airbag.

Smith was given a court order, suspended for two days without pay, and ordered to undergo remedial driver training.

tadarius beans

Bean started working with the Memphis Police Department in August 2020. His record had no previous violations from the department.

of WKNO Katie Riordan Contributed to this report.

https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153151044/tyre-nichols-memphis-police-violations Four of officers charged in Tyre Nichols’ death had previous workplace violations: NPR

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