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Guide to Swing Trading


Cryptocurrency is a very broad industry and there are so many trading strategies that you can use. Most people are familiar with day trading and trend trading, as these are strategies that appear easy to use. However, there is a different type of trade that is noteworthy; swing trading. The choice of your trading strategy determines your success in cryptocurrency investments. If you are looking for ways to make profits with cryptocurrencies, you may want to consider this type of trade. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to understand and start using swing trading.

Introduction to Swing Trading

In the literal sense, swing trading is a strategy that relies on speculation and this allows traders to invest in various assets. To be able to swing trade, you will hold an asset for a few days or weeks and then trade when the market is favorable. In day trading, you cannot hold your trade assets for more than a single day, while trend trading allows you to hold your assets for even months. With swing trading, you will be somewhere in between trading and trend trading. As you would expect, there you will get benefits and disadvantages with this type of trading strategy. Let us look at some of the benefits and risks of swing trading so that you can make an informed decision.

Benefits of Swing Trading

Here are some of the main advantages of swing trading:

  • Swing trading is not demanding and as such, you do not need to pay attention to it every passing minute.
  • Compared to day trading, the amount of effort you will put into swing trading is quite low. This means that you can focus on other things while still trading on the Bitcoin Rush
  • With swing trading, you stand a better chance of making short-term profits. All you will need is to understand the assets you are interested in and you can make a move at the right time.
  • Finally, with swing trading, investors have better control over the various market risks. You can use different tools to analyze the markets before making your decision.

What Are the Dangers of Swing Trading?

There are also some drawbacks that are associated with swing trading and it is imperative to be aware of them. Some of the common ones include:

  • Exposure to various market risks and losses due to the prolonged holding period
  • There are instances where swing trading may fail to take note of significant market trends.
  • Swing traders need to have an in-depth understanding of the markets and this can be challenging if you are not equipped with technical experience.

Swing Trading in Relation to Crypto

As you have noticed, swing trading attempts to generate profits for assets held for medium periods. You will agree that the crypto market is volatile in nature and this can cause serious losses. Remember that there are so many factors that may affect the crypto market. You have a great chance of making profits with swing trading if you are really keen on the market trends. For instance, in the last few weeks, BTC has really been all over the place with sharp price declines. Before making a decision to invest your crypto using swing trading, you should be aware of the risks. You can easily lose all your invested assets in a snap.

In Conclusion

Swing trading is a great strategy and you can make so much money when you understand it. Take time to understand this strategy and it would pay off if you could combine different trading strategies to trade your cryptocurrencies.