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House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy Wins House Speaker’s Bid

Republican Party Leader Kevin McCarthy Elected US Speaker House of Representatives A dramatic late-night vote quelled a multi-day uprising from the far-right conservative bloc, finally winning the gavel in its historic 15th attempt.

McCarthy’s promotion to Speaker came after 14 defeats and a series of concessions to ultra-conservative lawmakers that greatly weakened his power while increasing the party’s influence over the new House majority. After winning most of the holdouts early on Friday, McCarthy endured a surprise defeat in the 14th ballot later that night, before finally winning the next round early Saturday morning with a narrow majority of just 216 votes. I grabbed the gavel.

Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy hugs Republican Steve Scalise after the 15th ballot. Photo: Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

The spectacle ended in surprising fashion during a tense late-night session on the House floor that erupted with shouts and finger pointing. But the longest bitter presidency battle since 1859 ended shortly after the last remaining holdout switched the vote to “present”, lowering the threshold and allowing McCarthy to secure the post with just 216 votes. became.

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has re-secured the support of all 212 members of his caucus.

The protracted battle has paralyzed the new Congress and exposed deep rifts within the House Republican Congress. for the first time in a century The House failed to elect a speaker on the first ballot, and only four presidential elections in U.S. history required 12 or more votes.

McCarthy celebrated his victory as a sign that the House Republican meeting had been revitalized.

House Democrats banded until the last vote to support Rep. Jeffries from New York. We turned our attention to the future activities of the 118th Congress.

“It’s been a long week,” Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry admitted at the outset of his speech to nominate McCarthy as chairman. “The president called the process embarrassing. The Talking Heads called it chaos and turmoil. And some even called it shambolic. But it’s called democracy.”

A man is restrained by another man on the floor of his house.
Alabama Republican Mike Rogers has been detained after yelling at Republican Matt Gates for refusing to vote for Kevin McCarthy in the 14th round. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA

But the final hours of the speaker race weren’t without drama. McCarthy hoped to win the gavel on his 14th ballot, but fell one vote short. Tensions rose in the House as it became clear that McCarthy would not succeed. At one point, Rep. Mike Rogers, a Republican in Alabama, had to be physically restrained after he appeared to lunge at Rep. Matt Gates, leader of the anti-McCarthy coalition in Republican Florida. I did.

Faced with staunch opposition, McHenry moved to adjourn the conference until Monday. But the negotiations suddenly turned in McCarthy’s favor, Republican He immediately scrapped the plan and asked for a 15th vote.

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips nominated Jeffries after McCarthy fell one vote short of the presidency in a dramatic 14th ballot, saying, “I stand up and I think it’s great.” said.

At the 15th roll call ballot, several holdouts changed their votes to “now”, lowering the threshold required for McCarthy to secure the gavel.

In a feverish effort to end the stalemate within the party, McCarthy and his supporters have entered into late-night talks with the 20 hardline conservatives who opposed him in the first 11 ballots. With a narrow Republican majority in the House, McCarthy could only afford to lose four votes if all incumbents voted for the Speaker. In exchange for their support, the holdout members demanded sweeping changes to House rules and more representation on some of the most high-profile House committees.

McCarthy’s prospects brightened when the conference room was reconvened on Friday after repeated futile votes. In quick succession, he converted 15 Republican exiles. Among them is Rep. Scott Perry, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and leader of the far-right rebellion, who said Camp had reached a “framework of consensus” on many of the group’s demands. .

Matt Gates (left) and Kevin McCarthy give speeches after Friday's vote failed.
Matt Gates (left) and Kevin McCarthy give speeches after Friday’s vote failed. Photo: Sean Shu/EPA

After Friday’s 12th and 13th ballots failed, Republicans voted to postpone until later that night, but only six Republicans opposed McCarthy’s candidacy. , lobbied the remaining half-dozen holdouts and finally found a way to break the impasse. Due to the late voting, two of McCarthy’s supporters, Ken Buck of Colorado and Wesley Hunt of Texas, gave McCarthy time to return to Washington to vote.

Buck was unable to attend the previous poll due to health reasons, while Hunt was absent with his wife and newborn son. Sent.

When the House returned late Friday night, the mood among Republicans was cheerful, and McCarthy was in good spirits. I opened the session.

McCarthy successfully won the chairmanship, but he now faces considerable challenges in trying to govern with an unruly congress and a narrow majority. It could make it much harder to push through mandatory bills, such as packages and raising the debt ceiling.

Rule changes demanded by McCarthy’s former detractors could also complicate his term as chairman. The Anti-McCarthy Coalition has proposed a policy allowing one member to demand a vote to remove the incumbent chairman. The rule could allow McCarthy’s more skeptical supporters to remove him from the role of McCarthy if they clash over policy in the future, and the threat of such a ruse could be seen above the seated speaker’s head. It’s hanging on

For the past four years, McCarthy has successfully maintained his position as House Republican leader. One of his most vocal supporters of McCarthy’s orator campaign was Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was removed from commission work over extremist views.

As McCarthy assumes the presidency, time will tell whether concessions to far-right members will be enough to keep him in control. There is a possibility.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/06/kevin-mccarthy-republican-wins-house-speaker House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy Wins House Speaker’s Bid

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