Home Business How Learning Spanish Can Help Increase Your Income

How Learning Spanish Can Help Increase Your Income


Spanish is spoken by more than 559 million people around the world. In the United States, it is the most common (non-English) language spoken in homes. Spanish speakers in the United States account for 64% (approximately 16.2 million) of the country’s total limited-English proficient (LEP) population. With a population this large, there is an increased necessity for employees in the workplace that can speak both English and Spanish fluently.

As you learn Spanish online, some resources can even be used for help with homework, engage you to be an active problem solver, provide study resources, and even community groups that allow for interaction with others who are pursuing the same career/life path as you are.

Benefits of Learning a Second Language

There are benefits to learning a second language – some of which are more prominent than others. When you learn a new language, you gain an advantage over those in your industry who do not have the same skills. There are more benefits than that, though.

Learning a new language stimulates the brain The brain requires a “workout” if you want to maintain mass and keep it strong. While it isn’t a muscle, it does have the capacity to grow and learn new things.

When you learn a new language, your attention span increasesAs a human, our attention span grows more narrow each day, especially if we aren’t giving our mind a workout. When you learn a new language, you are increasing the brain’s capacity.

Cognitive decline slows down then you learn a new languageThe more you work with your brain, the more it expands and holds. When you are learning a new language, you can expand what your brain and mind are capable of.

Boosts your self-esteemWhen you complete something, it boosts your self-esteem and confidence, all at the same time. Anytime you make a significant accomplishment, it helps to change your outlook on life.

Increases income potential If you are bilingual, you have more opportunities. There is a need for employees who are able to speak more than one language, and they are compensated for such skills.

Where to Learn Spanish

Most of us are busy individuals who don’t have the time or money to sit down in a classroom three to five times a week to learn an additional language. There are other “non-traditional” ways to learn a new language, like Spanish. Some of these may be easier than others and are completely dependent upon the person learning the language.

  • Immersion
    • To learn through immersion, you will need to surround yourself with Spanish speakers and have them speak only in their native language while you learn. That is how many people who do not speak English learn it by surrounding themselves with it and making an effort to learn a little more each day.
  • Television/Videos
    • Using television and videos can be helpful in the overall process of learning how to speak Spanish. Finding a television show that you like and watching it in Spanish (without English subtitles) can help you gain a little more understanding while seeing it used in context. Videos are also a great source of learning something new – how many times have you gone on to YouTube to learn something new?
  • Songs
    • This doesn’t just work with learning things like the name of the states, the alphabet, etc. Using a song to learn common Spanish expressions and conversational values can be what sets your learning process apart. Most people forget about how influential music was when they were growing up.

three women sitting at the table

Landing the Job as a Bilingual Candidate

Many employers today want to fill positions with bilingual employees when it is feasible. Many professionals have admitted that they have lost clients or projects due to miscommunication between parties because of a language barrier.

Indeed has posted an article that showcases 13 jobs for bilingual individuals, including the national average salary (NAS). Indeed makes it possible for those with qualified bilingual credentials to express themselves in the workplace.

  1. Bank Clerk: $12.95 per hour – primary duties include assisting customers with daily banking activities, including but not limited to depositing checks, withdrawals, preparing bank statements, and more. Because of the personal nature of banking and money, bilingual tellers can help satiate a Spanish-speaking customer’s needs to the greatest extent.
  2. Customer Service Representative: $13.62 per hour – the primary role of a customer service representative is to interact with customers and help assist them in whatever means they need. Many customers who do not speak the same language as the representative may end up mad, or sales may be lost if no one is able to assist them in the way they need.
  3. Teacher: $14.75 per hour – it is a teacher who leads lessons to students, providing them with access to the knowledge they not only desire but are entitled to. Teachers who are bilingual make it possible for children of all ethnicities and backgrounds to learn while in their classroom.
  4. Flight Attendant: $2,576 per month – Flight attendants are the ones who take care of all the passengers on a flight. They speak to thousands upon thousands of people per year, and many of them may require the help of someone who speaks more than one language. There is also a larger job pool (number of airlines) when you are bilingual and speak a foreign language.
  5. Translator: $47,630 per year – Should be self-explanatory; if you can speak another language, like Spanish, there is a place for you in translation services. When someone doesn’t speak the language of a customer, patient, etc., they call upon the expertise of a translator.
  6. Immigration Paralegal: $48,614 per year – The immigration paralegal assists the immigration lawyers by researching, preparing documents, explaining information to clients, and more. In immigration proceedings, there is a high likelihood that the client will not have English as their native tongue.
  7. Hospitality Manager: $49,628 per year – as a hospitality manager, you work in the hospitality industry (restaurants, hotels, etc.). You likely interact with many guests and even some employees who may not speak English as their native language, and when this occurs, you have to be able to communicate. More businesses would rather have bilingual management because it reduces the need to bring in outside translators.
  8. Human Resources Generalist: $58,251 per year – The role of the HR generalist is to hire employees, interview candidates, enforce and answer company questions regarding the policy, etc. Many companies find that when there is at least one person, especially in HR that can speak Spanish, they don’t have to outsource this work.
  9. Social Worker: $59,896 per year – Social workers handle both situations regarding adults and children. Often, if children grow up only speaking Spanish in the home, they may not know or understand English when a social worker comes (the same with adults). Social workers who are bilingual can bring about calm and could potentially stop a situation from escalating.
  10. Registered Nurse: $28.93 per hour – Nurses are caregivers. They see patients regularly, some of whom may not speak English. Bilingual nurses are in high demand because they save hospitals money on translation resources and provide patients with the availability of someone who can explain things to them.
  11. Copywriter: $61,821 per year – Not all content is written or needed in English. Some companies want to reach people of different ethnicities and demographics. Because of this, copywriters who are bilingual (reading, writing, speaking) offer a great advantage over other businesses that only have English-speaking writers.
  12. Sales Representative: $64,852 per year – To make the sale, you have to connect with your customer. If you can’t connect with your customer, you are losing money for your company and possibly yourself if your work is commission-based—sales representatives who are bilingual gain the competitive advantage.
  13. Marketing Manager: $69,224 per year – marketing managers work with many different people throughout a company’s marketing campaign. Since there may be more than one person or even customers who do not speak English, having management that can speak Spanish eliminates the “telephone” game and getting directions wrong.

Being Bilingual Changes Everything

There are probably bilingual people around you, and you don’t even know it. Whether they speak Spanish, Russian, French, Korean, and so on, there is an advantage, especially in the United States, to speak English and Spanish. In the United States, the number of Spanish speakers is growing abundantly. Companies are expressing a need for bilingual employees, managers, etc. When you learn how to speak Spanish on top of your native tongue, you have the opportunity to go far and excel! Achieve more when you learn to speak Spanish – be in demand wherever you go.

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