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HSBC buys UK unit of Silicon Valley Bank for £1 in bailout deal

HSBC averted a crisis in the UK’s tech sector on Monday by bailing out the UK unit of Silicon Valley Bank. A dramatic fire sale ended after an all-night meeting led by Rishi Sunak and the Bank of England.

HSBC overnight SVB The UK pays banks a symbolic £1. Chief Executive Noel Quinn was involved in desperate negotiations with British Prime Minister Sunak. in the United States to defense negotiations.

Selling the battered bank was Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt’s favorite choice to avoid the UK government having to intervene heavily to protect depositors.

Hunt wrote on Twitter at 7 a.m.: Deposits are protected and there is no taxpayer support.

“I said yesterday that we will protect our technical department, and we have worked diligently to deliver on that promise.”

The BoE has warned it plans to bankrupt UK banks after bankruptcy. parental disintegrationsaid it had taken steps to “stabilize SVB UK, ensure continuity of banking services, minimize disruption to the UK technology sector and support confidence in the financial system”.

Hours after US regulators shut down a second bank, Signature Bank, the BoE stressed: The wider UK banking system is safe, sound and well capitalized. “

The collapse of California-based SVB is the largest US bank failure since 2008, following a bank run triggered by investor balance sheet concerns.

A special overnight mission to rescue the SVB’s UK division was led by Sunak, Hunt and City Minister Andrew Griffith, and also involved BoE Governor Andrew Bailey and Prudential Regulation Authority Sam Woods.

A person briefed on negotiations over the future of SVB UK said it was a “purely competitive” process with several parties interested in buying the stricken bank.

Snak, who is in California for a defense summit with US and Australian leaders, was said to have been “very hands-on” overnight.

HSBC’s Quinn said: This strengthens the commercial his banking franchise and strengthens its ability to serve innovative and fast-growing companies, including in the technology and life sciences sectors, both in the UK and internationally. “

Hunt said on Sunday there was a “serious risk” to technology and life sciences firms using SVB’s UK banks, with the senior founder unable to pay wages or bills in the coming week. He warned that it would be a “slaughter”.

The government spent the weekend selling SVB UK, which has £6.7bn in deposits and £5.5bn in loans, and has put together a back-up plan to help businesses that are behind on deposits with lenders. On Sunday night, U.S. regulators said SVB’s U.S. depositors all the money on monday.

Middle Eastern buyers were among the main bidders in a move reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis bailout, said people familiar with the British government’s attempt to broker the sale.

British banks Oaknorth and the Bank of London also participated in the bid, with the Bank of London leading a consortium that includes a private equity group, according to people familiar with the matter.

SVB UK has 3,300 UK customers, many of whom have deposits of less than £85,000 covered by the financial insurance scheme, according to people familiar with the company.

Asked if he would guarantee 100% of deposits, Hunt told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg:

Sunak echoed the BoE’s assertion that SVB’s bankruptcy did not present a “systemic contagion risk”.

Additional reporting by Stephen Morris, Ivan Levingston, Michael O’Dwyer, Emma Dunkley, and Anjli Raval

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HSBC averted a crisis in the UK’s tech sector on Monday by bailing out the UK unit of Silicon Valley Bank. A dramatic fire sale ended after an all-night meeting led by Rishi Sunak and the Bank of England.HSBC overnight SVB The UK pays banks a symbolic £1. Chief Executive Noel Quinn was involved in desperate negotiations with British Prime Minister Sunak. in the United States to defense negotiations.Selling the battered bank was Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt’s favorite choice to avoid the UK government having to intervene heavily to protect depositors.Hunt wrote on Twitter at 7 a.m.: Deposits are protected and there is no taxpayer support.“I said yesterday that we will protect our technical department, and we have worked diligently to deliver on that promise.”The BoE has warned it plans to bankrupt UK banks after bankruptcy. parental disintegrationsaid it had taken steps to “stabilize SVB UK, ensure continuity of banking services, minimize disruption to the UK technology sector and support confidence in the financial system”.Hours after US regulators shut down a second bank, Signature Bank, the BoE stressed: The wider UK banking system is safe, sound and well capitalized. “The collapse of California-based SVB is the largest US bank failure since 2008, following a bank run triggered by investor balance sheet concerns. A special overnight mission to rescue the SVB’s UK division was led by Sunak, Hunt and City Minister Andrew Griffith, and also involved BoE Governor Andrew Bailey and Prudential Regulation Authority Sam Woods.A person briefed on negotiations over the future of SVB UK said it was a “purely competitive” process with several parties interested in buying the stricken bank.Snak, who is in California for a defense summit with US and Australian leaders, was said to have been “very hands-on” overnight.HSBC’s Quinn said: This strengthens the commercial his banking franchise and strengthens its ability to serve innovative and fast-growing companies, including in the technology and life sciences sectors, both in the UK and internationally. “Hunt said on Sunday there was a “serious risk” to technology and life sciences firms using SVB’s UK banks, with the senior founder unable to pay wages or bills in the coming week. He warned that it would be a “slaughter”.The government spent the weekend selling SVB UK, which has £6.7bn in deposits and £5.5bn in loans, and has put together a back-up plan to help businesses that are behind on deposits with lenders. On Sunday night, U.S. regulators said SVB’s U.S. depositors all the money on monday.Middle Eastern buyers were among the main bidders in a move reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis bailout, said people familiar with the British government’s attempt to broker the sale.


British banks Oaknorth and the Bank of London also participated in the bid, with the Bank of London leading a consortium that includes a private equity group, according to people familiar with the matter.SVB UK has 3,300 UK customers, many of whom have deposits of less than £85,000 covered by the financial insurance scheme, according to people familiar with the company.Asked if he would guarantee 100% of deposits, Hunt told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg: Sunak echoed the BoE’s assertion that SVB’s bankruptcy did not present a “systemic contagion risk”. Additional reporting by Stephen Morris, Ivan Levingston, Michael O’Dwyer, Emma Dunkley, and Anjli Raval
https://www.ft.com/content/216b193d-62b3-4e5e-8f67-e8eb3d96ebf1 HSBC buys UK unit of Silicon Valley Bank for £1 in bailout deal

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