Once a woman is mentioned, the privacy she is permanently compromised. The user is often shown to the image of social media, which causes other intimate images or sending the blame text can be a protective tool for the women online. But it can also beat by bad actors that use the same structure to eject charge. “It’s ironically,” she said Miller. “Privacy structure used for women to protect themselves.” Rise spaces that are not humiliable as unsatisfactory telems groups, due to failing to keep track of violations and regulation. Without the sharpness of jerisdiction or surveillance, the platform can note the responsibility of success.sophie mortimer, the administrator of the telegram has become one of the biggest threats for online safety. They say that English charity reports to the Intimate picture telegram that cannot be ignored. “We will consider that it is not a request for our request,” he said. However, the telegram, say that only receives “about 10 pieces of content” from revenge porn requests, “all are removed.” Mortimers have not responded to cable questions about veracity of the Veracity of Veracity updates to the English online security Act, the legal enforcement of the law abuse is still strong. The report of October 2024 of the British Helpline charity shows that the victim of cybercrime faces the crime committing is to report a crime. “There is still an idea of offline if cybercrime does not have a real consequence,” the Charlotte hooper, the head of the Helpline cyber, which helps keep the victim cybercrime. “But if you see the victim, cybercrime experiences they do not damage psychologically than a criminal act.” Telegram test with wires using the rules of violation of the rule of platform, “including nonconsensensence and doxing porn.” “As a moderate resulting that Proactive Dangerous Dangerous Daily,” said survivors of the Digital disorders often replace the project, move the city, or even withdrawn from targeted trauma online. Systemic failure to identify the case as a serious criminal allows the perpetrator to continue operating with larger. , Excellent excellent to qualify “very large online platforms” below the European Digital Services Act, thus for synstep regulations of researching. “Telegram took the responsibility seriously and communicate with European commission,” many European companies say that the community has stated about a large private telegram, which allows 200,000 members. These groups exploit loooffole using the “Personal” Communication to blame the more powerful platforms and make scrutiny spaces mean to protect the privacy of the invasion of invasion. This network is not only growing – they adapt, spreading the platform, and learn how to get rid of responsibility.