Iranian climber Ernaz Rekhabi, who competed without a hijab, was greeted by a cheering crowd on his return to Tehran
Iranian climber Ernaz Rekhabi, who competed in an event in South Korea without wearing the mandatory headscarf over the weekend, said at Tehran’s airport early Wednesday morning, “Ernaz is a heroine,” according to a video posted on social media. was greeted by cheering crowds chanting.was fear for her safety After reports that her friends were unable to contact her.
Iran is now widely shaken. women-led protests It began as a demonstration against a rule requiring women to cover their hair in public, but has evolved into a widespread call for an end to the Islamic clergy-led regime. It all started when Mahsa Amini was arrested by the Iranian Moral Police in September for not wearing a headscarf correctly.
Iranian officials say she died of a heart attack after being detained family told CBS News They believe she was tortured in custody and then murdered.
Many saw Rekhabi’s appearance at the climbing competition without a hijab as a sign of support for the protests. It reiterated the claims made in the displayed text-only post.
According to BBC News, Rekavi said Wednesday: “While I was in the girls’ locker room, I was suddenly and unexpectedly asked to compete. She was wearing a baseball cap and a hood that covered her hair.” I was so busy putting on and arranging my gear that I forgot to put on the hijab that I should have worn.”
Rekhabi denied leaving Seoul ahead of schedule and said she was stressed due to “some extreme reactions”.
“There has been a lot of tension and stress, but I am relieved to be back in Iran. But thank God, nothing has happened so far,” she said, according to the Associated Press. .
On Tuesday, sources told CBS News senior correspondent Elizabeth Palmer that Rekavi’s passport and phone were confiscated after he was tricked into luring him to the Iranian embassy in Seoul. There were also reports that she left her hotel in Seoul two days earlier than planned.
Other Iranian athletes who have competed without headscarves in the past have said they were pressured into making false “confessions” on Iranian state television, with some people saying Rekhabi We believe it is likely that he was forced to speak to national television and apologize.
Rekavi was greeted by his family at Tehran’s airport and presented with flowers. She then reportedly climbed into a van and made her way through a cheering crowd. Where she went from there was unknown. Iranian climber Ernaz Rekhabi, who competed without a hijab, was greeted by a cheering crowd on his return to Tehran