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Israel conflict latest: US warns Rafah crossing out of Gaza is ‘fluid and unpredictable’

US president Joe Biden warned Iran not to escalate the war between Israel and Hamas in an interview that aired on the CBS news programme 60 Minutes on Sunday.

In the interview, which was recorded late Thursday, Biden said there was “no clear evidence . . . at this point” that Iran helped plan Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7. When asked what his message was to Hizbollah and Iran, Biden said: “Don’t. Don’t, don’t, don’t.”

When the interviewer asked, “Don’t come across the border? Don’t escalate this war?” Biden replied: “That’s right.”

The US president also said he believed “Hamas must be eliminated entirely”, but added that there “needs to be a Palestinian Authority” and a “path to a Palestinian state”.

Summarize this content to 100 words US president Joe Biden warned Iran not to escalate the war between Israel and Hamas in an interview that aired on the CBS news programme 60 Minutes on Sunday.In the interview, which was recorded late Thursday, Biden said there was “no clear evidence . . . at this point” that Iran helped plan Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7. When asked what his message was to Hizbollah and Iran, Biden said: “Don’t. Don’t, don’t, don’t.”When the interviewer asked, “Don’t come across the border? Don’t escalate this war?” Biden replied: “That’s right.”The US president also said he believed “Hamas must be eliminated entirely”, but added that there “needs to be a Palestinian Authority” and a “path to a Palestinian state”.
https://www.ft.com/content/8376c8bc-4ce4-433b-912c-337bf2ca66e6 Israel conflict latest: US warns Rafah crossing out of Gaza is ‘fluid and unpredictable’

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