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Live news update: China and Hong Kong stocks rise on zero Covid and property optimism

Two Western leaders rarely celebrate birthdays in the same week. It is even rarer that both span his 80 years. Should we celebrate that age is no longer a barrier to such leadership work?King Charles III on Monday turned 74 and fired 41 shots at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Gunshots and “Happy His Birthday” congratulations are given. But US President Joe Biden will pass a more significant milestone as he turns 80 on Sunday. He also has a more pressing week of international diplomacy and domestic politics to deal with before blowing out the candles on the cake.

First, there is the G20 summit in Bali, or what one of my colleagues at the FT called the first World Government meeting. second cold warRussian President Vladimir Putin is non-participationbut China’s Xi Jinping is expected to be, so there will be pressure for Biden to talk to him.

At home, there’s a small issue with Donald Trump’s widely tracked “.very big announcementFrom his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Florida on Tuesday.

This week is also the week of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in Thailand. Bringing together 21 countries It will be the first face-to-face meeting in the region since 2018. The US, China and Russia will be invited here as well, but President Putin will not attend. However, French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to attend, as he has been invited to speak on global trade relations.

hole fix

Trans-Atlantic Britain has a potential celebratory roast. a particularly tragic seasonthe most important diary date is Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt’s financial statements on Thursday.

The country isfinancial hole(Not my term, Hunt’s) The Prime Minister’s plan is to cover about half of the £55bn shortfall needed reduction in public spendingmeasures including Delay in social security reform, Income tax threshold freeze and stealth raids inheritance tax.

The FT’s parliamentary and economic teams translate the words of politicians Find key points buried in Treasury documents. read this description To understand why Britain needs to act urgently. And if you think you can do a better job than the Prime Minister, ourfill a black hole” interaction.

British politics stick-up Nicola Sturgeon expires on Monday after an eight-year term. Scottish National Party leaderShe got the job when her predecessor and mentor, Alex Salmond, resigned in 2014 independence referendumWhile Westminster is cutting federal spending, Holyrood is enacting its own austerity measures. Will Sturgeon’s milestone spur an assessment of her record as prime minister?

United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 nearing the end On Friday, but Sunday, there will be the start of something that will most likely grab the headlines of world news and sports pages next month – FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. This could be a controversial tournament. What To Say Expensive Is An Understatement — Read The Magazine Report here.FT is on hand to provide comprehensive coverage.

Finally, there are more elections. Malaysia will go to the polls on Saturday. Nepalese are set to vote on Sunday for parliamentary and state government seats, created by the FT’s sister title, Nikkei Asia. handy guide to the point. Kazakhstan’s general elections on Sunday are noteworthy. The Most Important Constitutional Amendments For the oil-rich Central Asian country since it declared independence from the former Soviet Union.

economic data

Carpenters at work in a new townhouse in Tampa, Florida © Octavio Jones/Reuters

Some important data may come out of the US next week. Specifically, updates on producer price index inflation, retail sales, and the volatile US housing market.

The UK’s big economic event is the fall statement, but that will be preceded by an update to UK unemployment data on Tuesday. The UK government is keeping an eye on their record here because it’s one of the only good news for them. But it’s not that great.

Britain becomes the only developed country still retaining jobs below pre-pandemic levels In early 2023, according to new analysis. another “winter of dissatisfaction” also looms as various workers — nurses are up to date — Wage demands increase with inflation.

Then, on Wednesday, inflation data will be released which worries that the CPI will remain in the double digits.The week ends with an update to UK retail sales, but hopes are not high pessimistic forecast country’s plunge into recession.

The cost of living will also be a focus for the EU this week, with inflation data coming out on Thursday. Third-quarter gross domestic product estimates will also be released on Tuesday.


“Elon Musk is going to grab headlines again this week” can be written here at any time of the year, but this week there’s a diary explosion. payment package. A court in Delaware, where the electric car manufacturer is registered, Complaints from shareholders.

Vodafone, which reports interim results on Tuesday, is under pressure to review its business. Shareholders are interested in how much the company has achieved so far. reduce debt After announcing the sale of its stake in Vantage, a must-have business, last week.

Fashion changes, and so does management, as does British brand Burberry. discovered this yearInvestors want to know what new chief executive Jonathan Akeloyd has in mind to boost growth when the company reports first-half figures on Thursday. Analysts expect him to focus on improving profit margins, which have historically lagged big rivals in France and Italy.

Read the full calendar for the week ahead here.

https://www.ft.com/content/df289921-1113-4aba-8016-ae64801b60ed Live news update: China and Hong Kong stocks rise on zero Covid and property optimism

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