Home Tech Meta Ray-Bans Live AI hands-on: solutions looking for problems

Meta Ray-Bans Live AI hands-on: solutions looking for problems

Meta Ray-Bans Live AI hands-on: solutions looking for problems

Here’s the scene: I’m wearing the latest Ray-Ban Meta sunglasses with a new feature called Live AI, which can answer questions about the world around you. I’m getting ready to take a four-hour road trip to my in-laws for the Christmas holidays. I’m preplanning breakfast in the morning because I’m 99.9 percent sure I won’t have the brain cells to concoct something I can eat at 5AM. I don’t even know if I have anything to make a meal with. I opened the refrigerator door and said, “Hey Meta, start Live AI.” Suddenly, John Cena’s voice was in my ear telling me that the Live AI session had started. I asked. Inside it looks sad with month-old Thanksgiving leftovers, cartons of eggs, soda, condiments, tubs of Greek yogurt, and large jugs of maple syrup. Meta-AI-as-John-Cena replied that I could make “a variety of breakfast dishes,” such as “scrambled eggs, an omelet, or a yogurt parfait.” To be clear, no fresh fruit can be used to make a parfait. A carton of eggs contains two eggs. My husband put the empty milk carton back in the fridge, which meant scrambled eggs and omelets were also out. My stomach rumbled, remembering that I missed lunch. I depend on the idea of ​​breakfast and instead of opening the freezer door and asking what kind of dinner I can make with the ingredients inside. Mostly frozen pizzas, various frozen vegetables, and hamburger buns. I was told, “frozen foods, stir-fries, and casseroles.” I decided to order in for dinner. It will be a drive-through breakfast on the road. This is the problem with Live AI. Most of the time, I don’t know when to use it. When I did, the answers I got seemed very helpful. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The VergePitch for Live AI lets you talk to your AI assistant like a friend. While it functions similarly to the glasses’ multimodal AI feature, you don’t have to constantly ask for the AI. It (should) know what you’re talking about. You can also combine multiple questions and follow-up questions. If you’re in a cooking class and something looks a little off, you’ll alert the instructor and he’ll look at the mess in the pan and tell you what you did wrong and how to fix it. This is a version of that but with an incorporeal AI that lives inside your glasses. It sees what you see and can help you out in real time. It’s a cool concept. But I was stumped when it came time to use Live AI without guardrails. If there is a question, I automatically pick up the phone. That’s what he’s been training for for over 10 years. The first and biggest obstacle to using Live AI is remembering that it’s a choice. Damn, I never thought to read a book on my TBR list. Screenshot: MetaThe second problem is knowing when Live AI might be more useful than a quick Google search. Meta suggested I try a scenario involving fashion and cooking. I have told you how my question is about cooking. So, I asked the AI ​​what color combination to try with the colorful pastel nail set. AI suggests a “pastel color combination” will “complement pink nails well.” I asked him which book to read on the shelf. AI reminded me that I “have no personal preferences or opinions” but that I should “read interesting books.” [me] or one that [I’ve] I’ve been wanting to read it for a while.” Not satisfied, I asked which book was the most popular. It suggested that I look up online. I tried some other scenarios and still thought: why would I talk to an AI if all it does is retell the clear and tell me the most useful experience with Live AI when I asked how to zhuzh up the front office, I got another milquetoast answer – add artwork, and rearrange the furniture to make a more comfortable atmosphere, I asked why what kind of artwork will look good. Again, telling me that “various artworks” can look good “depends [my] personal style.” Should I consider adding a poster, print, or painting that reflects my interests or hobbies? I want to scream, but I’m asking if the poster style will look good based on what’s currently in the room. For that, I got a rather useful answer: a colorful and funny poster with a fun design or a cute character that will complement the stuffed animals in the room. I asked the artist to see it. It recommends Lisa Congdon, Camille Rose Garcia, and Jen Corace for their “playful and whimsical style.” 1/4Journey with me as I figure out how to ask Meta AI the right questions to get the answers I want. lies the biggest recurring problem I have with AI: you need to know how to ask the right questions to get the answers you want. I can save myself if I just tell the Meta AI, “I want to hang artwork in my room. Based on what’s here now, what artists should I see?” This skill comes naturally to some people. My husband is good at pushing AI. But for the rest of us, it’s a skill that needs to be learned – and some people are now teaching us AI noobs how to rewire our brains to use this technology. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The VergeAfter Googling the suggested artist Meta AI, I was left back at square one. I like art, but nothing feels my style. I relayed the experience to my best friend, who rolled his eyes and immediately sent me three artists on Instagram. I love them all. In a chiding voice, he said I had just asked him and did not bother with the bot. Because, unlike Meta AI, he says, he actually knows me. Live AI has other problems outside of the philosophical. It’s a struggle to distinguish when you’re talking to other people in the room. At one point, he outright lied and said I was witnessing my cat when I wasn’t. (It’d been confused by my wife saying they would feed the kitties.) It also only works in 30 minute windows before the battery runs out. That means you have to be intentional about how you use it — something that’s hard to do when there are few clear use cases. I am not against Live AI. His ultimate vision is for us all to be like Tony Stark, wearing cool glasses with our own little Jarvises. If you’re being held by the hand through a controlled demo, the future is inevitable and magical. It’s just that the fantasy starts to crack when you’re left to explore on your own. And when that happens, nine times out of 10, you’ll get a call.

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