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More than 130 hostages remain in Gaza as Biden presses Israel to end war through diplomacy

More than 130 hostages remain in Gaza as Biden uses diplomacy to urge Israel to end war – CBS News

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President Biden is pressuring the Israeli prime minister to end the war through diplomacy rather than military attack. More than 130 hostages remain, including five Americans. The United States has publicly blamed Hamas for recent diplomatic failures, but the hostage families also blame the Netanyahu government.

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Summarize this content to 100 words More than 130 hostages remain in Gaza as Biden uses diplomacy to urge Israel to end war – CBS News

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President Biden is pressuring the Israeli prime minister to end the war through diplomacy rather than military attack. More than 130 hostages remain, including five Americans. The United States has publicly blamed Hamas for recent diplomatic failures, but the hostage families also blame the Netanyahu government.

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https://www.cbsnews.com/video/over-130-hostages-remain-in-gaza-as-biden-pushes-israel-to-end-war-through-diplomacy/ More than 130 hostages remain in Gaza as Biden presses Israel to end war through diplomacy

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