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never lucrative visa requirements


Everyone dreams of the future, especially when it comes to retiring and starting the retirement stage in a peaceful way and, why not, in another country with your family to be able to carry out personal projects that were previously impossible to carry out due to lack of time.

Whatever the reason that pushes you to start a new journey in which there will be changes in your life, the law firm of My Spain Visa you will find the service you need, as they have a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the process of obtaining visas of all kinds.

It is always a long and difficult process to arrive in a foreign country, but together with the best digitally progressive team you will receive the best professional advice, totally personalised and that will guide you to achieve your desired objectives. You will be able to send all your doubts and questions if you need more information, and in less than 24 hours you will get an answer.

Spain is a favourite destination for foreigners, especially the British. The climate, lifestyle, culture and Mediterranean food are the main attractions of this country. Below, you can find out which are the non-lucrative visa requirements that will allow you to make your dream come true and start a new life in Spain.

First of all, it is important to say that this type of residence permit a non-lucrative is a unique type of visa in Spain for non-European citizens who want to travel to Spain and stay there for a long period of time. Therefore,this residence permit is not lucrative, so you are not allowed to perform any economic and professional tasks in Spain, but you may work remotely from Spain for your companies or businesses in your home country. It all depends on you and your life plan.

However, it is also important to know that there are some consulates that they deny to grant you your non-Lucrative residence permit visas if you are going to continue working remotely, so the best recommendation is to inform yourself before initiating any legal process.

Secondly, and this is an important requirement to be taken in account, all applicants to receive the non-lucrative visa must demonstrate their economic capacity to support their stay in Spain for at least one year without working. After staying in Spain with this residence permit, it can be renewed every 2×2 years, making a total of 5 years of stay. You can also bring your family members as long as you have enough money to support them.

As a final piece of advice, it should be borne in mind that in order to obtain this permit and, therefore, to start the bureaucratic process of obtaining it, it is necessary to present certain documents at the Spanish consulate of the main applicant’s place of residence. The documents are going to be analysed by the Spanish government delegation within the first month of application. You can consult the list of the main documents required for a visa application at My Spain Visa, as well as much other information of interest.