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Notable Tuesday Option Activities: CF, MOS, AA

Looking at options trading activity across the constituents of the Russell 3000 Index, CF Industries Holdings Inc (symbol: CF) has notable activity today, with a total of 11,185 contracts traded to date. Approximately 1.1 million underlying shares (assuming each contract represents 100 underlying shares). This number represents 42.3% of CF’s average daily trading volume of 2.6 million shares last month. Especially the volume was large, $125 Strike Call Option Expiring January 20, 2023, 1,510 contracts have been traded to date, representing approximately 151,000 underlying shares of CF. Below is a chart showing the trading history of the CF over the past 12 months, with the $125 strike highlighted in orange.

Mosaic Co (symbol: MOS) had an option volume of 17,717 contracts, representing approximately 1.8 million shares, or about 42% of MOS’ average daily volume of 4.2 million shares last month. Especially the volume was large, $52.50 Strike Call Option Expiring December 16, 2022, 2,137 contracts have been traded to date, representing approximately 213,700 shares in MOS. Below is a chart showing MOS’ trading history over the last 12 months, with the $52.50 strike highlighted in orange.


Alcoa Corporation (Symbol: AA) also traded 27,771 contracts in options, equivalent to approximately 2.8 million shares, or approximately 41.6% of AA’s average daily trading volume of 6.7 million shares last month. increase. Especially the volume was large, $50 Strike Call Option Expiring January 20, 2023, 1,670 contracts have been traded to date, representing approximately 167,000 shares of AA’s underlying shares. Below is a chart showing AA’s trading history over the last 12 months, with the $50 strike highlighted in orange.


About the different expiration dates available CF option, MOS optionAlso AA optionvisit StockOptionsChannel.com.

Today’s Most Active Call & Put Options on the S&P 500 »

See also

PCK dividend history

ONEX Institutional Investor


The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/notable-tuesday-option-activity:-cf-mos-aa Notable Tuesday Option Activities: CF, MOS, AA

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