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Prosecutors allege Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes was involved in a multi-week plot to resist Biden’s presidency and force Trump to act

Washington – the month before January 6th Attack on the Houses of Parliament, Prosecutors say Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rose’s rhetoric has become more desperate and more violent, prompting then-President Donald Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to enable armed resistance against a rogue government. asked to do

“It will be 1776 again,” Rhodes is said to have written to the Oath Keepers Leadership Message Group.

Invoking this law would have meant that Trump could temporarily use the military for civilian law enforcement. In the eyes of the Oath Keepers, the rogue government to be stopped was the incoming Biden administration.

Far-right group founder Rhodes and four accomplices stand up accused of seditious conspiracy, in this case widespread accusations of using force to resist the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Joe Biden. Defendants are also on trial in Washington, DC for other crimes related to the January 6 Capitol Breach. To secure a conviction for seditious conspiracy, prosecutors must be able to convince jurors that the defendant intentionally conspired to forcibly shut down the government. Hmm.

FBI Special Agent Byron Cody launched an investigation into the Orth Keeper shortly after the attack to help President Rhodes and his supporters, and ultimately Trump, resist Biden’s legitimate election. The evidence that this alleged plan was passed on to the former president is not the trial.

“I said the Democrats would steal it,” Rhodes wrote in another message, adding, “Trump has only one option left,” alluding to the Riot Act.

The never-executed Rhodes plan to declare incoming President-elect Biden and incoming Vice-President Kamala Harris illegitimate, using associations of community organizers and sheriffs nationwide as needed Cody claimed that it involved fighting.

“Trump had one last chance to act. He must use the Riot Act,” Rhodes was accused of writing on Dec. 14, 2020.

In an open letter to the former president (second of two letters) prepared on December 23, 2020, prosecutors said Rhodes followed the example of George Washington during the Revolutionary War, ” He urged Trump to “attack.”

“Recognize that you are already at war. You must act like a wartime president,” the letter read on the Oath Keepers website. rice field.

Rhodes told the president that he was a corrupt politician and judge of all political stripes meant to harm Trump – commonly in certain circles of extremist groups. He advised the Government to purge the government of the unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that are circulating and appoint a “true patriot” as Acting Attorney General.

the date of Authentication of Electoral College Ballots on January 6, 2021, Rose told Trump in a letter, it would be too late. , claims that Rhodes ultimately viewed 6 January as a “hard constitutional limit”. Much of the evidence presented in court so far predates the date of the attack.

“If you fail to do your duty, you leave us the people no choice but to follow in the footsteps of our Founders.”

“Keep your promise. Drain the swamp. Do it now. We’ll help you every step of the way.”

The prosecutor also presented the jury with a December 30, 2020 text from Rhodes to other members of the Oath Keepers, in which he pleaded guilty to establishing a “back channel” to the then-President. was trying to advise Trump. So far, no evidence has been presented at the trial that Rhodes was successful in contacting him, but the former Oathkeeper leader in North Carolina announced earlier this year that he was part of a plea bargain. As part of that, Rhodes admitted he heard someone on the phone on the phone.On the night of Jan. 6, he urged President Trump to call on groups such as the Oathkeepers to forcibly oppose the transfer of power. . Rhodes’ defense team claims.

Although Trump has never invoked the Riot Act, five members of the Oathkeepers, who are on trial, all of whom have pleaded not guilty, gathered their weapons outside Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 during an attack. accused of coordinating their movements to They are finally inside the building.

Defense attorneys told jurors at trial that the group was not as organized as prosecutors suggested, and that the defendant engaged in “bravado.” The collection of weapons and supplies, which took place in the state of Virginia, where regulations are lax, was allegedly done in case some sort of defensive action was required. According to them, the defendants were primarily in D.C., providing assistance and safety during rallies. Arguing that the preparations for the

Also from Capitol Police special agent Ryan McCanley, Friday jurors testified that they saw a group of sworn guardians, including Rhodes, demonstrating during an official duty in Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 2020. I held a hearing. He’s a plainclothes cop. McCanry said he would take pictures of Rhodes and share them with his fellow officers to make the Oathkeepers’ founder’s presence known.

During cross-examination, McCanry testified that Rhodes had not been involved in any violent acts that day and, to his knowledge, had not been previously accused of violent acts at a protest. He has not been charged with a violent crime on May 6.

Yet the government has all week claimed that Rhodes and other Orthkeepers discussed the use of violence in the days after the election. Focusing on recorded meetings from November 2020, Rose called on the audience to prepare to “fight” during the pro-Trump protests in DC later that month.

Abdullah Rashid, who recorded that meeting, was called as a government witness on Thursday and said he had once served as the leader of the Oathkeepers chapter in West Virginia but had grown concerned about Rhodes’ rhetoric.

“It was terrifying what was brought to the table,” said Rasheed, who was later cross-examined to testify that he had previously been convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Speaking in a low voice and moving nervously in his chair, he said, “It sounded like we were going to war with the U.S. government.”

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oath-keepers-leader-stewart-rhodes-resist-bidens-presidency-push-trump-to-act/ Prosecutors allege Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes was involved in a multi-week plot to resist Biden’s presidency and force Trump to act

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