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Records may show double billing for some research conducted at US-funded research facilities in China

Double-billing of some US-funded research done at Chinese labs may be documented – CBS News

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CBS News has seen records that may indicate that the US government paid twice for aspects of the project carried out at the Wuhan lab and other facilities in China. Now, USAID’s internal oversight agency has launched an investigation after receiving information from Republican Senator Roger his Marshall. Senior Investigative Correspondent Katherine Herridge reports. Editor’s Note: Video graphics have been updated, his web version of this report has been updated, and comments on his report by Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance have been added.

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Summarize this content to 100 words Double-billing of some US-funded research done at Chinese labs may be documented – CBS News

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CBS News has seen records that may indicate that the US government paid twice for aspects of the project carried out at the Wuhan lab and other facilities in China. Now, USAID’s internal oversight agency has launched an investigation after receiving information from Republican Senator Roger his Marshall. Senior Investigative Correspondent Katherine Herridge reports. Editor’s Note: Video graphics have been updated, his web version of this report has been updated, and comments on his report by Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance have been added.

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https://www.cbsnews.com/video/records-may-show-double-billing-for-some-us-supported-work-done-at-chinese-research-facilities/ Records may show double billing for some research conducted at US-funded research facilities in China

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