Home Treatment Regenerative medicine is changing the way arthritis is getting treated

Regenerative medicine is changing the way arthritis is getting treated


Simply put, arthritis is a blend of a painful collection that impacts the joints. The conventional treatments might help in managing the pain symptoms, but they certainly can’t repair the tissue and stop the joint deterioration progression. However, there have been advanced and revolutionary treatments for arthritis in recent times that can enhance the way you function and help restore life quality.

Understanding regenerative medicine

Today, there are several kinds of arthritis. And all the major kinds of arthritis can attain benefits from a revolutionary medical treatment that can come under the group of regenerative medicine. And this branch of medicine or non-surgical treatment concentrates on the procedures to naturally repair, replace, and regenerate damaged human tissue. You can check out QC Kinetix (Augusta) of Augusta to know more about it.

The regenerative or non-surgical treatment makes use of the body’s internal capacity to heal itself. The platelets, stem cells, and amniotic fluids, rich in growth factors, can get injected into the arthritic joints to help ease inflammation and develop healthier, new cells.

Additionally, regenerative medicine provides long-term pain relief and quicker recovery and healing when it gets compared to surgical interventions. The processes are simple, quick, and need zero infection risk or blood loss. The joints, for instance, knees, shoulders, and elbows, respond better to the regenerative treatments.

The types of treatment here include the following:

  • Stem cell therapy

Stem cells come with the capacity to develop into any kind of cell, based on the body’s requirement. Being made from the body’s fat, the cells get injected and purified, and the compound that motivates them to develop to new cartilage, to the arthritic joints. Also, stem cells provide the best treatment for the ones facing early joint damage. However, it is also applicable for men and women with advanced osteoarthritis with very little cartilage.

Stem cell therapy can get effective for rheumatoid arthritis, as the specialized cells change how the immune system works and manage the inflammatory response. It reduces the swelling and pain features of rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy

The platelets are the elements in the blood that comprises healing growth factors. And as these growth factors target the arthritic, injured joint, it can promote quick healing. It uses your own blood sample for developing the platelet-rich plasma. Also, your doctor can spin the blood down to the centrifuge to create the platelet-rich compound and inject it into the arthritic joints.

  • The amniotic injections

The inflamed, arthritic joints can benefit from the amniotic injections, which comprise several hyaluronic acids, lipids, multipotent cells, and cytokines for promoting fetal growth. And with all these injections gets administered to the arthritic joints, your body can develop new tissue. It helps to reduce the pain and cause the inflammation to subside.

You can consider amniotic injections as an alternate option for the corticosteroid injections, which can relieve the pain temporarily but can also contribute to cartilage degradation ultimately. The regenerative injections are secure and act as a permanent therapy for the arthritic joints.

These are some of the best reasons for which regenerative medicine is being considered to make a great development in treating arthritis.