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Rights Group estimates ‘hundreds of workers died to make the Qatar World Cup possible’

It may be as big as Connecticut, but its vast oil reserves have made the Middle Eastern nation of Qatar one of the wealthiest nations in the world. With this wealth, this small nation will be able to sell more than $200 billion of his $200 billion, his eight state-of-the-art air-conditioned football stadiums and his million-plus for the 2022 Soccer World Cup. We were able to pour into the accompanying infrastructure for welcoming the audience.

But to build its World Cup legacy, Qatar has relied on an army of migrant workers, mostly from South Asia and Africa. Thousands of people crammed into crowded, filthy housing camps near the venue they were building, toil in temperatures up to 120 degrees for years.

“They are like everyone else in the world,” said founder Mustafa Kadri. Equidem organizationHe told CBS News that it will investigate labor abuses. “You want to have a better life than your parents. You want your children to go to college to have a better life than you. So you’re desperate for a chance.”

Opportunity came when Qatar’s bid with FIFA, the governing body of international football, controversially won, awarding the Arab nation the 2022 World Cup.

Kadri said it made the Games “dependent on migrant workers because they are cheap. Migrant workers are cheap because they are exploited.”

He told CBS News that he was arrested while investigating the situation of migrant workers in Qatar. He had deadly consequences: forced labor, unpaid workers for months at a time, and unsafe workplaces.

“I think hundreds of workers died to make this World Cup possible,” Kadri said, but admitted it was impossible to determine an exact figure.

Emran Khan told CBS News that he came to Qatar from Bangladesh looking for an opportunity but found himself working up to 48 hours straight in buildings including the Lusail Stadium, where the World Cup final will be played.

A December 20, 2019 file photo shows construction underway at Lusail Stadium, one of the 2022 World Cup stadiums in Lusail, Qatar.

Hassan Amar/AP

“I had no choice,” he said. “Workers had no choice. No rights.”

He told us he was paid about $350 a month. It was half the amount originally promised, but if you file a complaint against the contractor who hired him, “they just say ‘go back, pack your clothes and go back’,” Bangladesh said. I told you. .

Budhan Pandit left his Nepalese home to build roads in Qatar. He sent money to his family before he died in an accident last year.

A file photo provided by the family shows Nepali national Budhan Pandit, who died in an accident in Qatar in 2021.

family handout

His widow, Urmila, said in a video call from her home that her family had received no compensation and only received her husband’s body. , sometimes can’t afford food.

Labor and human rights groups want Qatar to set up a fund to compensate injured and unpaid workers and the families of those killed.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have called for both FIFA and Qatar to sign a $440 million workers’ compensation fund.

“The legacy of this 2022 World Cup is that Qatar, together with FIFA, will rectify the deaths and other abuses of migrant workers who have built the tournament, implement recent labor reforms, and support not only the fans and footballers who visit Qatar. , depends on protecting the human rights of all people in Qatar,” Human Rights Watch researcher Rosna Begum told Agence France-Presse.

This month, Qatar rejected the proposal for a compensation fund as a “propaganda act”. The state “claims to be the victim of”smear campaign]Based on Western style Arrogance and “Misinformation” Since winning the bid to host the championship over a decade ago.

The first match of the 2022 World Cup will be played between Qatar and Ecuador on Sunday.

Kadri said, “It was a real ambivalence… knowing that we would be watching a team we love play and at the same time all this is possible thanks to this incredible exploitation. I did,” he said.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/2022-qatar-world-cup-migrant-labor-deaths-abuse/ Rights Group estimates ‘hundreds of workers died to make the Qatar World Cup possible’

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