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Saudi company taps unlimited Arizona groundwater for crops illegally grown in Saudi Arabia

Saudi company pumps unlimited groundwater in Arizona to grow crops illegal to grow in Saudi Arabia – CBS News

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Alfalfa is one of the most water-intensive crops in the world, and thousands of acres of land in drought-stricken western Arizona are devoted to growing alfalfa. Of even greater concern are the farms, where a Saudi company owns the largest land in La Paz county. All the crops grown are exported to the home country of the Middle East.

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Summarize this content to 100 words Saudi company pumps unlimited groundwater in Arizona to grow crops illegal to grow in Saudi Arabia – CBS News

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Alfalfa is one of the most water-intensive crops in the world, and thousands of acres of land in drought-stricken western Arizona are devoted to growing alfalfa. Of even greater concern are the farms, where a Saudi company owns the largest land in La Paz county. All the crops grown are exported to the home country of the Middle East.

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https://www.cbsnews.com/video/saudi-company-draws-unlimited-arizona-ground-water-for-crop-illegal-to-grow-in-saudi-arabia/ Saudi company taps unlimited Arizona groundwater for crops illegally grown in Saudi Arabia

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