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Security tightened ahead of possible arrest of Trump

Security tightened ahead of possible arrest of Trump – CBS News

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Former President Donald Trump was not indicted on Tuesday as he had predicted, but security has increased around a Manhattan courthouse where he is likely to appear if he is arrested. A grand jury investigating the allegations has nearly completed its work, sources told CBS News. Robert Costa has the latest.

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Summarize this content to 100 words Security tightened ahead of possible arrest of Trump – CBS News

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Former President Donald Trump was not indicted on Tuesday as he had predicted, but security has increased around a Manhattan courthouse where he is likely to appear if he is arrested. A grand jury investigating the allegations has nearly completed its work, sources told CBS News. Robert Costa has the latest.

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https://www.cbsnews.com/video/security-ramps-up-ahead-of-possible-trump-arrest/ Security tightened ahead of possible arrest of Trump

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