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Senate to hold crucial vote to advance marriage equality bill

Washington – The Senate is scheduled to vote on Wednesday on whether to introduce a bill that would incorporate marriage equality into federal law, an important test vote that could pave the way for passage of the bill.

The bill, called the Respect Marriage Act, needs 60 votes and the support of at least 10 Republicans to move forward in the Senate.Plan drafters hope to get that level of support from Republicans after a bipartisan group of senators created it Invoice change to protect religious freedom.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer moved to set Wednesday’s procedural vote, shortly after the five senators involved in negotiations over the bill unveiled their amendments on Monday. By passing the 60-vote threshold, debate on the bill will begin and the bill will move closer to final passage.

The Respect for Marriage Act protects interracial marriage by repealing the Clinton-era Defense of Marriage Act and requiring the federal government to allow marriages to be valid regardless of “gender, race, ethnicity, or national origin.” To do.

Introduced after the Supreme Court Overthrowing the Roe v. Wade Case — and with Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion, the bill passed easily amid Democratic concerns that a High Court decision protecting the right to same-sex marriage was under threat. cleaned up the house Several Republican senators also voiced their support for the plan in July, with the support of 47 Republicans, but some Republicans feared it would jeopardize religious liberty. Schumer agreed to postpone a vote on the bill until after the midterm elections.

To allay their concerns, this amendment ensures that non-profit religious groups are not required to provide services, facilities, or goods to celebrate same-sex marriages, making them available under constitutional and federal law. Protect religious freedom and the protection of conscience. liberty recovery method. The bill also does not authorize the federal government to recognize polygamous marriages and does not protect corporate tax exemptions, grants, contracts, educational funds, or other benefits or status unless they arise from marriage. is also clarified.

The amendment “recognises the importance of marriage, recognizes the due respect of diverse beliefs and those who hold them, and recognizes that couples, including same-sex and interracial couples, are committed to the dignity and stability of marriage.” , and deserves continued protection,” said a bipartisan group.

If the bill passes the Senate, it will have to be taken up in the House again before it goes to President Biden’s desk for signature.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/respect-for-marriage-act-senate-vote-same-sex-marriage-bill/ Senate to hold crucial vote to advance marriage equality bill

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