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‘Strong Solution’: Activists Seeking to Make Ecocide a Global Criminal | Environment

California winemaker Julia Jackson has long grasped the threat posed by the ongoing global climate change crisis, from more severe wildfires and hurricanes to rising sea levels. But for her, those ideas moved from abstract to concrete. the house was demolished The Kincade wildfires devastated his hometown of Sonoma County in 2019.

“I lost everything. Everything I owned,” Jackson said. “It hit my heart.”

But Jackson didn’t just use the resources he’d amassed as the second-generation owner of Jackson Family Wines, the ninth-largest wine company in the United States, to rebuild life after the disaster. She has since signed on to lead the U.S. branch of the global movement to make the mass destruction and destruction of ecosystems an prosecutable international crime against peace, known as Ecocide.

Jackson and her compatriots stop ecocide spent last week in New York City, meeting with dignitaries attending Climate Week events and the United Nations General Assembly. They also marched from Foley Square to Manhattan’s Battery Park on Sept. 23 as one of 450 planned strike demonstrations around the world. fridays for future A movement to demand climate compensation and justice.

Among other things, they challenged voters in the upcoming U.S. midterm elections to candidates who want to oppose deforestation and limit greenhouse gas emissions, which are some of the factors that contribute to global warming and its effects. urged you to vote in favor of Longer wildfires, stronger hurricanes, coastal erosion.

But top of the group’s list of demands is for countries around the world, through the United Nations International Criminal Court, to recognize ecocide as a crime against peace, with fines and even imprisonment.

Jackson has recently been dragged into the same courtroom where Stop Ecocide daily prosecutes working-class car drivers and frequent air passengers as international criminals for genocide and wartime atrocities. They hoped that the ecocide accusation would be the quiver of arrows for those seeking to curb government-level policymakers who are exacerbating the climate crisis. I’m here.

As others have done over the years, Jackson, who heads climate-focused nonprofit Grounded, will also be prosecuted for ecocide as the Amazon rainforest is rapidly being destroyed. He singled out Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro as the ideal candidate. his administration.

Among other things, Bolsonaro scrapped environmental protection programs designed to absorb greenhouse gases and protect the Amazon, an important line of defense against global warming. He also seeks to open up Indigenous reservations, along with other protected lands, to mining and agricultural business ventures, exacerbating harmful emissions.

“It’s not the cutting down of a tree,” Jackson said, that ecocide seeks to criminalize. “It’s a serious mass destruction of the planet.”

There are hurdles the movement has to overcome, including procedural ones. Two-thirds of the countries that recognize the United Nations International Criminal Court must approve adding ecocide as a crime.

This would result in more than 80 countries requiring ratification in total, and could limit enforcement to their own territories and citizens, even those that oppose ratification.

Anyway, Jackson Estimate At this point, about 20 countries have expressed interest in the concept of classifying ecocide as an international crime, including the UK, Spain, Iceland, France, Mexico and Chile.

She hopes the momentum of the movement will continue to build from there, especially since last week.

Jojo Mehta, executive director of the global Stop Ecocide movement, said in a statement:

“The Ecocide Act is a powerful solution to protect nature, our climate and our future, and provides a legal framework for positive change.”

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/26/activists-push-make-ecocide-international-crime ‘Strong Solution’: Activists Seeking to Make Ecocide a Global Criminal | Environment

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