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Sunak under pressure from growing Raab line and key ex-Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak has faced problems on multiple fronts amid growing controversy over the appointment of Dominic Raab as attorney general and two predecessors as prime minister trying to tell him how to do his job. I’m here.

On Friday, Downing Street did not deny media reports. raab behavior He was at the center of government before Sunak appointed him to the Ministry of Justice last October.

Number 10 claimed the prime minister had not been informed of the “formal complaint”. Simon Case, Secretary to the Cabinet, I informed him of my written complaint about Raab.

Some Conservative MPs believe Raab To avoid further political damage to the prime minister and government, the president should resign while an investigation by Adam Tolley KC into allegations that the Attorney General bullied public officials is ongoing.

“Ridiculous,” said the former Conservative minister. “This goes on and on. It exhausts you.

On Saturday, former party chairman Sir Jake Berry called on Raab to resign.

Berry told the BBC: “I read in the newspaper that if there are 24 unresolved allegations, there will be 24. It would be very strange if there were people at other workplaces who didn’t have that investigation pending.”

“Members of parliament and ministers are not special people. I think they should be treated like anyone else at work,” Berry said.

Downing Street said snack He awaited the conclusion of Tory’s report before deciding Raab’s fate. He did not deny a Times report that Case was personally informed of written complaints about Raab before Sunak reappointed Raab as attorney general.

The Financial Times reported that at the time of Raab’s appointment, there were a number of written complaints from a person close to the process related to his conduct in his first term as Attorney General from September 2021 to September 2022. said.

Raab denies bullying and Number 10 says they launched an independent investigation when Sunak was “informed of the formal complaint”.

A person familiar with the investigation claimed that officials did not file a formal complaint about Raab’s actions because they doubted whether then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson would approve the investigation.

However, the person claimed that the Cabinet Office’s adequacy and ethics team, which briefs the prime minister on the appointment of ministers, had been informed in writing of complaints about Raab’s actions.

The Cabinet Office said anyone filing a written complaint would have to choose whether to make a “formal complaint,” which would start the formal process.

Downing Street said: If an official chooses to file a formal complaint, these processes are made known to the official. ”

Sunak was repeatedly asked in a BBC interview at the G20 in Bali last November whether he had been informed of the informal complaint against Raab. He only said he knew there were no formal complaints.

Asked whether Case had failed to deliver written complaints about Raab, No. 10 said, “I am not going to go into the process of appointments and advice that the prime minister may or may not receive.”

The case has already faced fierce criticism, including from senior officials, for failing to uphold the government’s high standards and defending the interests of civil servants.

Meanwhile, Mr Sunak, weakened by a series of disputes over his cabinet appointments, faces further problems getting public advice from his two predecessors as prime minister.

After a disastrous 44-day premiership ended last October, Liz Truss is set to break her silence with a lengthy Sunday newspaper article this weekend. I will renew her call for tax cuts immediately.

Undaunted by the collapse of his economic policies last year, Truss is expected to press Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt to announce tax cuts in the March budget to boost the economy.

Hunt and Snack have made it clear that big tax cuts will have to wait and that fighting inflation is the main goal, but Truss said a growing number of Conservative MPs called for action now. One of the voices.

Meanwhile, Johnson, who stepped down as prime minister last September, has asked Sunak to send more tanks to Ukraine, in addition to the 14 Challenger 2s Britain has already pledged.

In an interview on TalkTV with close friend Nadine Dries, Johnson said Friday:

Sunak claims he is not irritated by Johnson’s high-profile campaign against Ukraine, which included visits to Kyiv and Washington. He said he was increasing military aid to Ukraine.

Also in an interview, Johnson faces a House investigation into whether he misled lawmakers by claiming he never broke rules with political parties during the coronavirus lockdown.

He also appeared to support Conservative MPs calling for tax cuts before the next general election.

“I am confident that when the time comes, the government will make sure that the tax burden is eased and the economy grows again,” Johnson told Dries.

https://www.ft.com/content/12a6e64c-c950-4f25-834f-bb3caa7872cf Sunak under pressure from growing Raab line and key ex-Prime Minister

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