With other words, the 10th issue does not work.Mamaticate you want to follow the same approach to the same work – but similar to the useful machine and is all the same as a non-integer machine. Such as more of the y = x2. If you are working on an √2, you will end up some new solutions, such as x = √2, more, more than a student named Shintboards began to play problems. In 2000, he and others have made plans. Saying you to add a bunch of extra terms for equality like a magical x2 forced x to be integer again, although in another number. Then you can save correspondence to the Turing Machine. What can we do for all the deduction equations? If so, it means that the problem of Hilbert can encode Halbert issues in the new number.illustration: Myrrian mustache, and other matématics to increase the cincinic problems. Then boiled all the integers rings that remained for one: the ring involved in imaginary numbers. Mathematicians are aware that in this case, the term should be added to make specialized formulas called oliptic curve..drawal olliptic curve must be able to meet two attributes. First, it must have a lot of infinite solutions. Secondly, if you have turned into a variety of integer-if you remove the imaginary number from the system number – then all the solutions to keep oliptic curves to do with the remaining task and difficult. Nanging para ahli Koyang lan Pagano-Ahli ing kurva oliptic sing wis kerja bareng amarga sekolah ing lulusan – duwe lulusan ing wayah wengi, yaiku Koysmans wis mikir babagan masalah 10 HILBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBER 10. Liwat sekolah lulusan, lan sajrone kolaborasi karo pagano, iku timbel. “I’ve been waiting for a few days every year thinking and get stuck,” Koymans said. “I will try three things and they will blow up on your face.” In 2022, when at the conference in Banff, Canada, he and Pagano finished talking about the issue. He hoped to be able to work together, it might make a special oliptic curve required to resolve the problem. After completing some other jobs, they have to work.