Home Business The Power of Handwritten Letters for Nonprofit Organizations

The Power of Handwritten Letters for Nonprofit Organizations


In any organization be it business or nonprofit, good communications matter to foster long-term relationships. There are many options available when sending out letters and messages but the most preferred nowadays are through digital channels. Sending emails or SMS is a lot quicker and easier than a handwritten message. However, there are huge differences between these two channels and the good thing is sending personalized letters is still the best. Here is why:

Invokes a good and strong impression. When everyone else is communicating via digital channels, doing the opposite will benefit you and your nonprofit organization. True enough sending emails and electronic messages is the most convenient and faster way but this will translate to lack of personal connection leading to unfamiliarity. Communicating on subject matters that are sensitive and important to your organization needs to be done in a meaningful way. Sending personalized messages like nonprofit direct mail from handwrytten.com, to donors and supporters will definitely make a good impression, especially during early correspondence. Personalized communications for nonprofit organizations have the edge of creating the opportunity in bringing your best foot forward while exuding an aura of professionalism. This will impact how your targeted or existing donors perceive you and your nonprofit organization.

Commands immediate attention. In this digital age, when communications took a turn and transformed into electronically sent emails and SMS taking the initiative to choose a different path of sending communications will certainly give your organization a valuable edge. It is known that most emails and instant messages are often lost in the myriad of digital transmission ending in spam folders and kept unread. Some studies also revealed that personalized handwritten letters get noticed right away equating to more responses and interactions than digital correspondence. Sending handwritten notes and cards will definitely beadvantageous for your nonprofit organization.

Gives value to recipients. No effort is wasted when your nonprofit organization invested insending personalized handwritten donor letters. Anyone who receives a letter in the old-fashioned way will feel valued and will instantly evoke positive reactions. Taking time and extra effort in reaching out to donors will capitalize to showing them how you valued them in your organization.

Nurtures long lasting relationships. One way of building a loyal and long-term work relationship is by having good communications. This should not be limited to digital platforms of casual correspondence and should evolve more in reaching out to benefactors and donors on a personal level. Sending personalized handwritten letters to donors expresses the desire to connect on a deeper and yet meaningful level placing premium on work ethics while nurturing relationships with your nonprofit organization’s donors. Transcending to making personal connections will surely lead to building trust and loyalty among benefactors, targeted donors and supporters of your organization.

Excellent way to express gratitude. In order for your nonprofit organization to succeed on any project, you will need to tap resources as well as support from donors. Able to accomplish noble acts and successful project launches is possible only through the generosity of your organization’s donors. Gratitude can be expressed in many forms such as emails or SMS but nothing can compare to handwritten personalized notes for donors in terms of showing authenticity of gratitude. Translating your heartfelt ‘thank you’ with handwritten words on exquisitely chosen paper or card is far more meaningful than sending it the usual digital routes.